News archive

Foto diagnosi dels lavabos de la UAB

The UAB studies how to make restrooms safer and more equal

The UAB, through the Observatory for Equality, is working on a model of restrooms that includes the identities and the different needs of everyone at the University, within the framework of the “UAB Diversa” (Diverse UAB) project. The report Review of the UAB rest room service with a gender perspective, which makes a preliminary diagnosis, has recently been presented.

Minut de silenci per la pau

The UAB inaugurates a peace series with university members from Eastern Europe

On 6 April, the UAB will be holding an institutional event entitled "Vent de l'est: guerra i pau als confins d'Europa" [Wind From the East: war and peace on the edges of Europe], in which members of the university community from Serbia, Rumania, Russia and Ukraine will share their impressions on the conflict currently taking place in Ukraine. The event will begin at 1 p.m. at the Journals Hall of the Humanities Library, at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.

Dia Dona Nena Ciencia

Commemoration of 8M, International Women's Day, at the UAB

On March 10 at 12 noon, the 17th Institutional Conference will be held at the UAB in commemoration of International Women’s Day.  The event will include the acknowledgement of the professor of the Faculty of Law, Encarna Bodelón, a specialist in women’s rights, co-director of the postgraduate diploma in Gender and Equality and director of the Antígona group of the UAB.