PhD Thesis defenses


Wednesday, January 24 2024

Dia · Setmana


La traducción inversa científico-técnica (chino-español) y su docencia en China: propuesta didáctica basada en el enfoque por tareas, by Yifan Miao

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Virtual Defence. (Videoconference: to participate as a public and to be able to make interventions, if you are a doctor, you must request it at


The impact of organic contaminants in Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas: monitoring for and with birds, by Maria Dulsat Masvidal

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Graduate Hall II. Faculty of Biosciences


Multiscale Modelling of Metal- Based Heterogeneous Catalysts active in CO2 Conversion Processes, by Estefanía Díaz López

Defense of doctoral dissertation - C1/070-1. Graduate Hall. Faculty of Biosciences


Biosensors òptics basats en nanomaterials d'or per a un diagnòstic ràpid i rendible, by Liming Hu

Defense of doctoral dissertation - Seminar Room, ICN2


Difusión y recepción de la literatura latinoamericana en China desde 1949 hasta 2022, by Yujie Zhou

Defense of doctoral dissertation - B7/052 Graduation Hall - Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Do we really have the right to disconnect?

Campus activities, Conferences and congresses, Culture, Diffusion - Online event