Code of Good Practice

Good Practice

Good practice in research implies a reasoned approach to work. It relates to how research is planned and conducted, how results are recorded and reported, and how knowledge generated by research is disseminated, applied and exploited.

The CBPR is a collective self-regulation instrument: a set of guidelines, recommendations and commitments regarding research activity.

Its strength derives from the legal precepts included in it, but also from its voluntary adoption by researchers themselves and all other agents involved. This is because it seeks to promote the attitudes, behaviour and ethical commitment deemed appropriate for top-level research by prestigious researchers themselves.

Its aims are therefore the following.

·     To improve the quality of research in all fields.
·     To establish mechanisms for ensuring honesty, rigour and responsibility in research.
·     To instil good scientific practice in research trainees.

The content of the CBPR is intended to complement existing legal provisions.
This document is applicable to UAB researchers and research trainees, and to organisations principally or wholly controlled by the UAB.

Presentation of the Code of Good Practices in the Research of the UABWelcome session of the Phd school that took place on January 31 in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Letters


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