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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA‑UAB)

Víctor Sarto analyses the role of flies in livestock farming

17 Feb 2021
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“Flies of Sanitary Interest In Livestock” (Servet Editorial) is the latest book written by entomologist Víctor Sarto from the Institute of Environmental Science and Techonology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in which an overview of the most common flies in livestock farming is given.

Llibre mosques ICTA-UAB

Flies are insects that have a great variety of species and biological cycles. They are present both in intensive animal production facilities and in remote locations, for example, where livestock graze, which entails different control strategies. Some flies are certainly annoying to livestock, in such a way that they can cause stress and immunosuppression. They can also transmit diseases, both viral (poliomyelitis, trachoma, etc.) and bacterial (shigellosis, salmonellosis, etc.) or parasitic (infestation by helminths or protozoa), through their bite or by simple contact with livestock when carrying microorganisms on/in their body. Furthermore, in some cases are the flies themselves, in their larval stage, that cause the disease by invading the tissues of livestock. This is the case with the so-called myiasis, some optional to the flies but others required.

The purpose of this manual is to provide an overview of the most common flies in livestock farming, both in intensive facilities and in grazing areas. In other words, this book addresses the biology and ecological characteristics of these flies, the diseases they transmit or produce, the possible control methods to fight them, whether in their larval or adult stage, and this is done differentiating the specificities applicable to sheep, cattle, pigs, horses and poultry.


Sarto i Monteys, V., 2021. Moscas de interés sanitario en el ganado. i-vi + 134 pp. (Bibliografía aparte obtenible de código QR). Servet editorial. Grupo Asís Biomedia. Zaragoza.  ISBN: 978-84-18020-48-3 
