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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB)

Celebration of the ICTA- UAB Day of Women and Girls in Science

31 ene 2023
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Join us at the celebration of the ICTA-UAB Day of Women and Girls in Science entitled "The ICTA-UAB Gender Action Plan & me".


Date: Monday, February 13th 2023
Time: 13.45h - 
(Snack at 13h)
Venue: Sala Antoni Rosell (Z/022)






  • Introduction - ICTA-UAB’S Gender Action Plan. By Isabelle Anguelovski, responsible of the "Gender, Diversity, and Care" commission.
  • “Contributing to ICTA-UAB's Gender Action Plan”

    Open discussion about the responses from an anonymous survey asking one way in which ICTA-UAB members personally commit to forwarding gender equity at ICTA-UAB. The aim of the session is not to criticize but to stimulate a fun, dynamic, constructive, and pragmatic discussion on how to make gender equity a reality from different perspectives.

    Helen Cole, Senior researcher at ICTA-UAB
    Annie James, doctoral researcher at ICTA-UAB
    María Heras, ICTA-UAB Alumni
  • Presentation of the ICTA-UAB Gender & Care & Power Group

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