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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB)

Seminar "Strengthening and mainstreaming nature-based solutions and environmental justice"

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Detalles del evento

You are all invited to the seminar "Strengthening and mainstreaming nature-based solutions and environmental justice" that will take place next Monday, 13 May 2024 at ICTA-UAB, organised by our ICTA-UAB researchers Sara Maestre and Johannes Langemeyer. The seminar will be held by three researchers who will give two different scientific sessions.


Seminar: “Strengthening and mainstreaming nature-based solutions and environmental justice” 

Date: Monday May 13th 2024
Time:  From 13 to 14h 
Venue: Room Z/023.  ICTA-UAB



  • “Mosaic governance between state and society: Contributions from community-based nature-based solutions to environmental justice”

    Arjen Buijs, Wageningen University (The Netherlands)

  • “Science-policy interface in urban planning: experiences of developing and applying two tools in Colombian cities”.

    Isabel Melo and Diana Ruiz, Humboldt Institute (Colombia)

Arjen Buijs
Arjen is a researcher at the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group of the University of Wageningen. He investigates human-nature interactions and their relationship with stewardship practices. He specifically focuses on how citizens self-organise for stewardship or political actions, how they aim for sustainable transitions and how these groups relate to local and national governments. He is part of the H2020 project Conexus where he leads the work on governance, politics and planning of nature-based solutions.
Isabel Melo
Isabel is a researcher from the Urban Team of the Nature Based Solution Centre at the Humboldt Institute in Bogotá- Colombia. She is a biologist; with a PhD in Ecology and Conservation from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and a Master's degree in Forest and Nature Conservation from the University of Wageningen, Netherlands. She is part of the H2020 INTERLACE project, where she has co-led the NBS Assessment Framework and supported the co-creation of the monitoring strategy of Envigado Florece. Currently, she is involved in NBS projects in Colombia and Latin America, and projects with Colombian local governments about integrating biodiversity and climate in their planning.

Diana Ruiz
Diana is a biologist with a Masters in Conservation and Use of Biodiversity, researcher of the Nature Based Solution Centre at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute in Colombia. Her work focuses on researching and proposing management guidelines that improve the incorporation of biodiversity and its ecosystem services in urban-regional planning, promoting the implementation and evaluation of Nature-based solutions. Together with a multidisciplinary team, she has supported different Colombian cities implementing projects related to green infrastructure, analysis of urban ecosystem services and plans for public green spaces, as well as the co-design of NbS for water resource management.