Workshop 'Citizen Science at UAB'

DATE: Tuesday 22 May 2021
TIME: from 11:00h to 14.30h
PLACE: Workshop 'Citizen Science at UAB' through Microsoft Office Teams
This workshop has been organised by UAB in the context of the consolidation of a community of interest in Citizen Science in our University. For this reason, a program which included the following was offered:
- Presentations of institutional context and support instruments to develop Citizen Science at UAB.
- Short presentations about Citizen Science projects initiatied by UAB teams.
- Discussion on the impact of Citizen Science in the territory with representatives of the quadruple helix.
- Debate on which support actions, infrastructures and recognition could be implemented by UAB with the aim of promoting Citizen Science.
- 11:00-11:15: Welcome and institutional presentation. Citizen Science in the institutional context of UAB.
- Xavier Ariño Vila, Head of the Rector's Cabinet
- Màrius Martínez Muñoz, International Relations Vicerector
- Rosa María Sebastián Pérez, Innovation and Strategic Projects Vicerector
- 11:15-12:15: Short presentations of the Citizen Science projects at UAB.
- The participants presented 24 short contributions of 3 minutes each.
- 12:15-13:00: Citizen Science as a tool for impact and transformation in the territory.
- Maite Pelacho. Fundación Ibercivis and Observatorio de la Ciencia Ciudadana en España.
- Tatiana Fernández. Head of the Economic Promotion Area. Direcció General de Promoció Econòmica, Competència i Regulació. Dept. d'Economia i Hisenda. Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Diana Escobar. Citizen Science Office of the Barcelona City Council.
- Ester Omella. Libraries Network of the Diputació de Barcelona.
- 13:00-13:30: Infrastructures at UAB to do citizen science
- Iván Martínez. Design and physical creation infrastructures: Open Labs.
- Carmina Crusafón. COMTEC Centre: Where communication meets technology.
- Anna Florensa. UAB Campus as a research infrastructure.
- 13:30-14:20: How can UAB contribute to consolidate a strong Citizen Science community? Open debate.
- There was a debate among all participants on the type of support would be needed at UAB, such as (without being an exhaustive list):
- Recognition modalities of the Citizen Science projects.
- Access to software and data management infrastructure.
- Legal and technical support in the development of project proposals.
- Other.
- There was a debate among all participants on the type of support would be needed at UAB, such as (without being an exhaustive list):
- 14:20-14:30: Next steps and closure.
You can consult a piece of news on the success of participation in the workshop on citizen science at UAB (in Spanish), organised by the Citizen Science community of practice at UAB, which counted with the presentation of 24 projects and with the debate on the needs to develop this type of research with quality. You have also the recording of the workshop available (In Catalan and Spanish).
On the map, you can consult the contact details of the people who are facilitating or implementing citizen science projects at UAB. Furthermore, in UAB Initiatives you have a list of citizen science projects which have been or are being implemented at the University.
This map will be constantly updated, by incorporating all the people who are facilitating or implementing citizen science projects at UAB. To send us improvement suggestions, ask to add anyone or any project, you can contact