Events and Training
Activities related to Citizen Science

DATE: 14th July, 2023
TIME: From 14h30 to 16h30
TARGET GROUP: Students or professionals under the age of 35 and any field/background is welcome (they do not necessarily need to be energy experts).
DATE: From November 21, 2022 to August 14, 2023
The SMART-ER Virtual Research Institute is organising a series of webinars on Public Engagement.
Webinar #1: INCENTIVE webinars: Working with communities: how to incentivise and reward researchers & citizens (Università Bocconi)
Webinar #2: INCENTIVE webinars: "Citizen Science: courses and learning material" (Citizen Science Center of Zurich)
DATE: 14th and 16th February 2023
TIME: From 10h00 to 12h00 both days
The UAB Citizen Science Hub offered a training addressed to PhD students to introduce them to citizen science.
DATE: 24th November 2022
TIME: Morning edition: from 11h00 to 13h00; Afternoon edition: from 15h00 to 17h00
Science for Change, together with the UAB Citizen Science Hub offered a training addressed to staff of the UAB Libraries who work giving support to research and teaching.
DATE: From November 21, 2022 to August 14, 2023
The SMART-ER Virtual Research Institute organised a series of webinars on Public Engagement.
Webinar #1: Utopia is a necessary country. Future workshops in the context of engaged research (November 21, 2022 at 12:00 h CET)
Webinar #2: Towards the streetsmart city: A research and planning agenda for just cities (March 20, 2023 at 12:00 h CET)
DATE: 18th and 19th October 2022
VENUE: Casal Pere Quart, Sabadell
During the Citizen Science Conference. Transforming data in knowledge, two interventions from UAB took place on the 18th October from 12:15 h to 13:15 h:
- Citizen Science Hub at UAB
- Let's re-use data! Citizen Science and FAIR principles
DATE: 24th May 2022
During this session, 25 actors from the public administration and the academia jointly co-created and reflected upon the articulation of a Network of Open Labs in the B30 axis.
DATE: From 27th September 2021 to 24th January 2022
The SMART-ER Virtual Research Institute organised a series of webinars, inviting researchers from the ECIU Community to present their current projects, focusing on those contributions in which Citizen Science has a relevant component. The Series of Webinars attracted researchers from all the stages of their careers, with experience in Citizen Science, but also those who are not having the experience yet, but needing a Citizen Science Component in their current research.
Webinar #1: Examples of Citizen Science Approaches at ECIU University
Webinar #2: Cultural Heritage, Humanities and Citizen Science
Webinar #3: Environmental Citizenship, Social Inclusion and Participatory Culture
Webinar #4: Citizen Science for Sustainability, Energy Transitions and Learning-by-doing
Webinar #5: Water, Environment and Community Engagement Through Citizen Science
Webinar #6: Citizen Science and Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Equality
Webinar #7: Simulation Games and Students' Social Engagement with Citizen Science
Webinar #8: Citizen Science Hubs and Citizen Labs
DATE: Tuesday 22 June 2021
You can consult a piece of news on the success of participation in the workshop on citizen science at UAB (in Spanish), organised by the Citizen Science community of practice at UAB, which counted with the presentation of 24 projects and with the debate on the needs to develop this type of research with quality. You have also the recording of the workshop available (In Catalan and Spanish).