Study Creation and Renewal

Create and renew a UAB specific graduate programme


To request the creation or renewal of significant changes of a study (master degree, graduate study or specialization course), first it is necessary to obtain the approval of the Graduate School's Director. Once you have the approval, the technical work with the Academic Academic Programming Technique Unit. You can contact to request the form to submit a new study or significant changes.


UAB specific graduate studies should be renewed in each edition. 

You can find the form to submit the academic and economic proposal at the following link:

Please send us your proposals (from the master's degree, graduate study or specialization course) as far in advance as possible before the teaching start date (please check out the submission calendars: new proposals / abbreviated renewals). This way we will be able to offer the maximum advertising once the study has been approved. We would also like to remind you that new proposals, as well as renewals with significant changes from master's degrees and graduate studies, should be approved by the Commission of Academic Affairs, with previous favorable reports from the schools involved. This implies a longer approval period. 


Programmes that include interuniversity diplomas or, those  which organization involves institutions or corporations from outside the UAB, should establish a collaboration agreement which will include all the collaboration details. 

The agreement proposal should be attached to the academic proposal submitted to the Graduate School. 

More information: Legal Support and Agreement Unit: