Pla de Gestió dels espais agroforestals
180 hectares of agroforestry areas (woods, meadows, crops, scrub, ...) and gardens

The Management Plan for Agroforestry Areas on the UAB Campus (PGAF), drawn up in 2001 and subsequently revised in 2013, is the framework document for the management of agroforestry areas on the campus.
The main objectives of the PGAF are to conserve and improve the natural and historical-cultural values of the space; to facilitate public use and to integrate the agroforestry spaces within the urban and territorial planning.
Operational objectives of PGAF 2013:
- To plan the territory with sustainability criteria.
- To maintain the fields of cultivation, the agroforestry spaces and to improve other open areas of the campus.
- To make a sustainable forest management.
- To improve the state of the campus' streams.
- To organize the public use.
- To manage the landscaped areas with sustainability criteria.
- To know and manage biodiversity.
The conservation of agroforestry areas on the UAB campus involves the maintenance of open areas (preserving the fields), the sustainable management of forests, the conservation of elements of outstanding interest, as well as the integration of these areas into the territorial planning of the campus (currently under review).
Apart from ensuring the conservation of the agroforestry spaces on the campus, it is also considered important to act to improve their quality and increase their value. This implies, among other strategies, acting to diversify and regenerate the forest masses, avoiding the degradation of certain areas, improving the state of the streams or establishing strategies for the maintenance of ecological connectivity within and outside the limits of the campus.