High School Debate League
High School Debating League 2025

The participation of the students of 4t of ESO and high school in this activity allows them to work on contents in a dynamic and participative way. In this sense, the non-verbal communication skills, the search for information, the analysis of a specific topic and, above all, the teamwork, generate an exceptional training and learning space.
Pre-registration is organized by the Xarxa Vives. Once you have confirmed your place in the local phase of the UAB, you will have to formalize your registration before January 10th by sending the documentation.
The local round at UAB follows the rules and regulations of the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats.
The local round at the UAB
The local round of the 2025 edition of the Secondary and High School Debate League of the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona will take place at the UAB Theatre Hall from February 17 to 21, 2025.
4 groups formed by teams from 6 centers will be constituted by drawing lots. Each group will participate in a round robin in which 3 debates will take place on the same day, from Monday to Thursday. The winning teams of the daily groups will move on to the semi-finals and, as the case may be, to the final, which will take place on Friday.
The topic of the debate will be: «Is body worship a health threat?»
The winning team
The winning team of this local phase will represent the UAB in the Secondary and High School Debate League organized by the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats, which will take place from April 2 to 4 at the Universitat de Vic- Universitat Central de Catalunya.
The best speaker
In the qualifying phase, the juries will evaluate the best speaker of each debate. The participant most highly rated by the juries in this phase will be awarded the prize for best speaker, and will receive an e-book as a prize.
+ Debate League
You will be able to enjoy the debates on the network X Lliga de Debat de la UAB and the Debate League blog and the funniest face on Instagram stories @comunitatuab.
Follow us, tag us on the networks and join the UAB Debate League!