Display window of Resources Centre
The Display Window of the Resources Centre
The Display Window of the Resources Centre for Student Societies and the expositions that are displayed in it show the daily activity of the UAB student societies and value its contribution to the revitalization of the university community. The expositions last around 2 or 3 weeks and they highlight the work of student societies and their impact to life at UAB.
The Resources Centre for Student Societies is in Plaça Cívica (next to the Pharmacy) and it opens Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. And Friday, 10 a.m to 2 p.m
If you are a student society and you want to be the star of the next exposition in the Display Window of the Resources Centre, write an email to suport.participacio@uab.cat.

The first exhibition at the Resource Center focused on pet care through the collective’s photo contest “12 ways to take care of your pet”. The objective of this contest was to find the 12 photographs that would be part of the calendar of the association for 2018.
Date of the exhibition: January 2018
Winning photos of the contest “12 ways to take care of your pet”

The Atelier is a UAB sewing and crafts club open to anyone who wants to learn, teach or collaborate in the activities of the society.
In the exhibition that took place at the Resource Center were shown photographs of the costume workshop that was carried out by the Atelier for the 2018 Carnival, under the theme "Superheroes".
Date of exhibition: March 2018

Both societies wanted to show how a 3D printer works to the university community and to boost the use of this tool among the alumni to create objects suitable to their projects.
Date of exhibition: June 2018
3D Printer Operation | Creating FMUAB Letters
The Revolution of 3D Printing

With this exposition the team wanted to show its society, invite the university community to try to play rugby and participate in the weekly trainings of the Centaures.
Exposition date: November 2018
Centaures exposition

Photographs about the excursions that the society has done were displayed in the Resources Centre window, along with a recreation of a excursion scene (with ropes, carabiners, kitchen tools and so on) in order to promote mountain climbing in the university community.
Club Alpí Universitari display.

Date of the exposition: March and April 2019
Exhibition of SinVer, LGTBI association of the UAB

Date of the exposition: May- June 2019
Date of the Hortet exhibition at Resources Centre for Student Societies

Dates of the exposition: December 2019 – January 2020
Ganàpies Exposition

Exposition about UAB 2019 Chinese New Year and East Asia Cultural Day (03/2020) organized by Chinese Student Union, Ramen Club UAB, Korean Club UAB, Faculty of Translation and Interpreting Student Council, and Community Involvement Unit to promote East Asia culture beyong UAB community.

Artencurs has created this showcase in the form of a collage to publicize both its members and their current projects. In each square there is a QR code that will lead you to one of their projects or social media.
The society was born as a teaching innovation project within the philosophy department of the UAB, and has consolidated itself as an undisciplined group, made up of students and teaching staff, which aims to give a space to talents in artistic and philosophical practices, as well as being a platform for professionalization in different areas of culture and critical thinking.
Date of the exhibition: from March 1 to April 8, 2021

This showcase shows a small part of the trajectory of the UAB Gamers collective since its creation: League of Legends, Hearthstone tournaments, the group's participation in events such as the Techparty, the Memenginy, etc. The collective is a meeting point for people who enjoy playing video games and is constantly growing since its creation.
In addition, in this exhibition you will be able to glince the evolution of the gamer world. Do you remember the SEGA Master-System, the Nintendo NES or the PlayStation II? This exhibition also wants to be a recognition of these beginnings and the evolution of the video games world.
Exhibition: from 12 April to 17 May.
Gamers UAB Exhibition [Gamers UAB, 4 years in community]

Astro UAB student society offers a small sample of outings and activities they carry out, in addition to the photographs that themselves have captured.
In this exhibition you can see very good quality images of the galaxy closest to us, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way, the Comet C/2020 and also the Moon.
Exhibition: from 24 May to 30 June.
Astro UAB Exhibition [Beyond the sky]

Photographic exhibition "Terùn" by Tomás Cajueiro, a Brazilian photojournalist who gives voice through images to the reality of the Movimento Sem Terra, a Brazilian movement of camperols who fight for social justice.
This "Aparador" has been a small sample of the exhibition that was presented at the V Conference on Latin American Studies organized by the Collective of Latin American Studies of Barcelona (CELAB)
Exhibition date: November 7 to December 14, 2022

This photographic exhibition of the Gats Campus association is focused on the rescue and adoption of puppies and cats that the association itself manages. In these 4 photographs we are presented with the situation of 3 puppies that were rescued on the university campus.
Exhibition date: March 13 to May 15, 2023