Practice and learn Catalan

A selection of links are provided below that will help you practice different aspects of the Catalan language and learn about our culture. These materials can complement your face-to-face or virtual learning. Some of them may also be your first point of contact with the language.
Resources to learn and practise Catalan:
- First steps. Catalan and Spanish in five minutes.
- Guies de conversa universitària.
- Class Talk
- Les meves primeres paraules en català. Mis primeres paraules en espanyol.
- Conversem?
- Fils de conversa
- Viure a Catalunya. Vocabulari en imatges
- Viure a Catalunya. Comencem a parlar.
- Vivim junts. Làmines per aprendre català.
- Catalan for Beginners.
- Col·lecció ‘Parlem Tu i Jo’
Resources to learn about Catalan culture:
Resources on interculturality