FUAB Formació Guidance Action Plan
FUAB Formació Guidance Action Plan
- Prevention and Integral Safety and Security orientation action plan
- Tourism & Hotel Management orientation plan
Bachelor's Degree in Hotel Management
Bachelor's Degree in Tourism
- Enrolment and services survey
- Satisfaction and Employability survey
- Student assessment of subjects and faculty
- Tutor/Company satisfaction survey
Bachelor's Degree in Tourism in English
Prevention and Integral Safety and Security
- Enrolment and services survey
- Satisfaction and Employability survey
- Tutor/company satisfaction survey
- Student assessment of subjects and faculty
University Master's Degree in Archival and Records Management
Master's Degree in Account Auditing and Accounting
Master's Degree in Management and Organisation of Event Tourism
Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy
Master's Degree in Hotel Management
Master's Degree in Sport Management
Master's Degree in Tourism Management in Cultural Heritage
Master's Degree in Transfusion Medicine and Advanced Cell Therapies
Master's Degree in Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies
Master's Degree in Social Policy and Community Action
Master's Degree in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems