- UAB University Master's Degree
- Credits: 60 ECTS
Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 10/01/2025
See the calendar - Pre-registration period: Open
- Places: 20 places
Price: €27,67 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
€85 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2025/26 Academic year. - Language: Spanish (90%) and english (10%)
- Mode: Classroom-based learning
Teaching centre:
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Geoinformation has become an essential component of admistrative, commercial and citizen activities. The master's degree in Geoinformation will guide you in mastering the most advanced technologies needed to produce, manage and use geoinformation: GIS, sensors, GPS, geolocation, web programming, geoservices, augmented reality, mobile applications, etc.
Since 2015, the master's degree is organised jointly by the UAB and the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, and it offers two specialisations with common modules in the first semester:
- Development of Geoapplications, aimed at the design and programming of web and mobile phone applications.
- Management of Geoinformation, aimed at the design of products and services for geospatial information.
The master's degree is a fully practical programme, based on projects and workshops, and includes external work placements to help you discover this professional world.
Career options
The University Master's Degree in Geoinformatics integrates the several disciplines, methodologies and techniques used to acquire, programme and manage geospatial data and applications. These data are key to the scientific, administrative, legal and technical operations involved in the production, management and development process of spatial information and its application to a variety of uses, from corporative to personal.
The University Master's Degree in Geoinformatics responds to the current demand of the professional market with a training programme oriented towards providing the competence and skills needed to work in the following types of positions:
- Common to both specialisations
- GIS technician.
- Cartographer.
- GIS analyst.
- GIS consultant.
- Specialisation in Development of Geoapplications
- Geospatial applications analyst.
- Geospatial applications developer.
- Smartphone applications developer.
- Specialisation in Geoinformatics Management.
- Head of corporative GIS for public administrations and businesses.
- Director or entrepreneur in charge of geospatial information prodcuts and services.
- Director of scientific, public or commercial projects aimed at creating geospatial information services and applications.
Upon completion of the master's degree, graduates will have the skills and expertise needed to work in a wide range of areas and sectors, including:
- Government agencies and public administration in general.
- Academic and research institutions and centres.
- GIS and geoinformatics service suppliers.
- Businesses using GIS and geoinformatics services.
- Navigation systems businesses..
- Geomarketing, insurances and financial services.
- Engineering and urban planning offices.
- Consultancies and service suppliers.
Work placements
During the period 2018-2024, master's students have carried out internships in the following entities:
Ajuntament de Granollers
Ajuntament d’Olesa de Montserrat
Ajuntament de Rubí
Ajuntament de Cabrera de Mar
Ajuntament de Terrassa
Ajuntament d’Arenys de Mar
Ajuntament de Matadepera
Ajuntament de Girona
Consell de Mallorca
Consell Comarcal Vallès Oriental
Diputació de Tarragona
Mancomunitat Penedès-Garraf
Autoritat Transport Metropolità (ATM)
Autoritat Transport Metropolità AMB
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC)
Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya (IDESCAT)
Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu
Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola
Departament d’Acció Climàtica
Bombers de Catalunya
Institut de Diagnòstic Ambiental i Estudis de l'Aigua (IDAEA-CSIC)
Institut Ciències del Mar CSIC
Fundació Pau Costa
Catalunya Camina
Centre d’Estudis del Bages
INTRA Engineria de Trànsit
Tinkerers i després per canvi de nom Space for Earth
Barcelona Regional
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Nexus Geographics
Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya
Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA)
Solucions Geogràfiques, S.C.C.L
Institut de Salut Global de Barcelona – ISGLOBAL
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Universitat de Barcelona
Grup d’Estudis sobre territori, energia i societat
Departament de Geografia
Oficina de Sostenibilitat
Institut Metròpoli
Grup d'Arqueologia de l'Alta Muntanya (GAAM)
Grup de Recerca en Àrees de Muntanya i Paisatge (GRAMP)
Departament de Prehistòria
Coordinator university:
Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaCollaborating institutions:
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC)