University Master's Degree in Geoinformation

The best assessed master's degree in GIS in Spain. Over twenty years training professionals in ICTs in the GEO sector: 300 postgraduates with 80% employability

Official Master's Degree in Geoinformation

Study guides

Master description

The Official Master’s Degree in Geoinformation is a master’s degree of 60 ECTS which must be studied in one academic year. This master’s degree has a profile of professional training, and is mainly aimed at students who want specialized technical and management training to undertake a professional career, although without excluding those students who want advanced scientific training to undertake a research career by means of doctoral programmes.
The Official Master’s Degree in Geoinformation comprises two specializations:

  • Specialization A – Development of geoapplications
  • Specialization B – Management of geoinformation

Specialization A – Development of geoapplications
The aim of the specialization in development of geoapplications is the training of geoinformation professionals able to develop intelligent end-user applications with geospatial information content and functionality, both at an analytic and design level, and to programme in various types of environments and platforms (desktop, web, mobile), for the creation of publishing tools and the use of geoinformation in corporate management areas or for public use. The specialization includes the skills and the knowledge necessary for analysis, programming and application of methodologies for the development and implementation of geoapplications.

Specialization B – Management of geoinformation
The aim of the specialization in management of geoinformation is to train geoinformation professionals able to imagine, create and manage geospatial information products and services which comprise opportunities for use, service provision or business ventures by means of geospatial information, both from conventional sources (mapping, public administration records, etc.) as well as new multiple, dynamic or less structured sources (sensors, mobile devices, big data, etc.). This specialization covers all aspects related to the organizational function, the management of financial, technical, and human resources to develop projects for the production or exploitation of geoinformation, R & D, or technology innovation and transfer.

Both specializations provide advanced training in geospatial information technologies for the production, handling, structuring, analysis and cartographic visualization of geoinformation, for the definition, design and implementation of geospatial information systems by means of spatial data bases, and for the design, publication and management of web geoservices.
The study plan is organized in a basic cycle (6 modules, 36 ECTS), common for both specializations, and a specialization cycle (2 modules, 12 ECTS), different for each specialization, which is complimented in both specializations by a module of external practice (6 ECTS) and the master’s thesis (6 ECTS).

The modules of the common cycle are all obligatory. The modules on the specialization cycle are also obligatory in each specialization, so that the curriculum of the route of each specialization is wholly obligatory. Hence we have ruled out introducing optional modules in the specializations with the aim of offering a coherent curriculum for the objectives of each specialization and avoid dispersion of content on a master’s degree of limited duration. There is of course the option to study one or the other of two specializations.

Study plan structure

Type Credits
Compulsory 30
Optional 12
Master Thesis 6
External Practicum 12


Specialization in Geoapplications Development

Subject Credits Type
Databases 6 OB
Geographic Information Systems 6 OB
Geospatial Data 6 OB
Geospatial Services 6 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 6 OB
Navigation and Earth Observation Systems 6 OB
Work Placement 12 OB
Programming Techniques 6 OT*
Software Development 6 OT*

* Specialization Compulsory


Specialization in Geoinformation Management

Subject Credits Type
Databases 6 OB
Geographic Information Systems 6 OB
Geospatial Data 6 OB
Geospatial Services 6 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 6 OB
Navigation and Earth Observation Systems 6 OB
Work Placement 12 OB
Geoinformation Products Management 6 OT*
Innovation and Smart Cities 6 OT*

* Specialization Compulsory


OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional

Discontinuation of courses

All optional subjects are not scheduled each year.

Additional information about the study plan