- UAB University Master's Degree
- Credits: 60 ECTS
Course begins on 04/11/2024
Course ends on 25/07/2025 -
Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 03/02/2025
See the calendar - Places: 30 places
Price: €27.67 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
€75 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2025/26 Academic year. - Language: Spanish ang English
- Mode: Classroom-based learning
Teaching centre:
Faculty of Communication Studies
The master's degree in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Contents provides advanced training orientated towards research and professional practice in the field of audiovisual and advertising content in the digital age. Students are trained as professionals in the conception and design of content for all platforms and networks, in audience analysis and services and products.
The master's degree in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Contents also trains up researchers who can understand the fundamentals of research in audiovisual communication and advertising in relation to communication industries and policies, content and design of products and formats, user behaviours and communication strategies.
Career options
This master's degree is orientated both towards research and towards professional practice: employment niches related to research applied to industry and content production, organisation or consumption, and occupations involving the conception, design and creation of audiovisual and advertising programmes, applications and formats and the management of communication campaigns in all formats. For those interested in academic research, the Master's degree leads into the PhD programme.
The choice of optional subjects will lead students towards employment in research and applied research or in production, creation and management or in policymaking.
Work placements
Module 8 is made up of the external work placements, worth a total of 9 ECTS credits. This module is optional and students interested in a work placement must specify this when they enrol. Students may:
- Choose to do a work placement in one of the companies with which the UAB has signed a collaboration agreement, and the master's degree committe will assign place according to the attitude, aptitude and performance of each candidate, taking into account the student's curriculum, professional interests, level of Catalan and/or Spanish, the nature of the company and the tasks expected to be carried out by the student. This implies that only those who are proposed by the master's degree committee and who fulfil the requirements will be able to do the work placement.
- Choose a company they are interested in. The master's degree committee will then approve the collaboration and the UAB will sign an agreement with the company.
Students will form part of the company and become involved in its productive process for a total of 250 hours, under the supervision of a company tutor and a lecturer of the master's degree.
The work placements are evaluated based on a report by the company supervisor and a report of the work carried out by the student.
According to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona's regulations on master's degree work placements, there must be a commitment from the student to complete the expected timetable and abide by the conditions set down by the collaborating entity. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the work placement agreement and the failing of the module assignment.
The companies which until now have signed a collaboration agreement with the UAB are:
- Cadena SER
- Centre d'Estudis Olímpics
- Clack Produccions
- Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals
- Diagonal TV
- Dermofarm
- El Periódico
- Gestmusic Endemol
- Gordon Seen
- Havas World Wide
- Home of Earth
- InCom
- Labs4glass
- La Fábrica de la Tele
- Lavinia
- Leverage IQ Group
- Minimal Films
- Minoria Absoluta
- Optievents
- RAC1
- Telecinco
- UAB Premsa
- Vester Business