University Master's Degree in Research in Education

Are you interested in educational research? In acquiring the tools and resources needed to pursue a research career with the help of excellent professionals? This master's degree is for you!

Official Master's Degree in Research in Education

New master's degree students



Fecha de admisión Tutoría Matrícula
A partir del 28 de septiembre de 2020


Cuando se resuelva la admisión, la coordinadora os contactará para hacer la sesión de tutoría de la matrícula


Hasta el 16 de octubre de 2020

(Consulta el manual aquí)


Sesión informativa y tutoría de matrícula

Sesión de tutoría pre-matrícula obligatoria: Cuando se resuelva la admisión, la coordinadora os contactará para hacer la sesión virtual de tutoría de la matrícula


Coses que has de tener en cuenta

1_ Antes de hacer la matrícula:

Documento de identidad:

Si tienes nacionalidad española no has de presentar ninguna documentación. En caso contrario nos has de enviar escaneado tu NIE (ciudadanos de la UE), TIE (resto) o pasaporte al correo electrónico El documento original lo tendrás que presentar en octubre, en el trámite de revisión de documentación (ver más adelante)


Si te quieres matricular con la condición de becario/a condicional, tendrás que cumplir con los requisitos establecidos para poderlo hacer:

Cumplir requisitos académicos de la convocatoria de becas de régimen general del curso 2020-2021.

Haber sido becario/a el curso 2019-2020 o bien presentar la Acreditación de carácter económico a efecto exclusivo de formalizar la matrícula sin el pago previo de los precios públicos de los servicios académicos (procedimiento MATRC) que se solicita a AGAUR. Tendrás que enviar por correo electrónico a la credencial de becario/a del curso anterior o la acreditación de AGAUR.

(> consulta cómo solicitar la beca)

Gratuidades y descuentos:

Si tienes derecho a algún descuento o gratuidad en la matrícula tendrás que enviar la documentación que lo acredite por correo electrónico a Los originales los tendrás que presentar en octubre con el resto de documentación y el mantenimiento del descuento o gratuidad quedará condicionado a la verificación de la documentación enviada.

(> consulta las deducciones de la matrícula)

Régimen de permanencia:

El régimen de permanencia de la UAB establece determinadas normas respecto al mínimo y máximo de crédits de matrícula, el máximo de años de permanencia para finalizar los estudios, y otros.

(> consulta el régimen de permanencia de la UAB)

Título de máster oficial previo:

En el caso de que este no sea el primer máster oficial que haces se aplicará un recargo del 40% sobre el importe de los créditos matriculados, excepto que hayas cursado estos estudios en centros no cubiertos por el sistema público de financiación, o tengas derecho a la gratuidad de la matrícula para estudiantes con discapacidad del 33% o superior, víctimas de actes terroristas o víctimas de violencia de género. Antes de realizar la matrícula tendrás que enviar el certificado académico o el título de máster por correo electrónico a Los originales los tendrás que presentar en octubre con el resto de documentación

2_ En el momento de hacer la matrícula:

Forma de pago: podrás escoger la que quieras de entre las que te ofrece la UAB. Has de tener en cuenta que si quieres hacer el pago fraccionado tendrás que escoger la modalidad de domiciliación bancaria y que en el moment de presentar la documentación de matrícula, tendrás que incluir la orden SEPA de domiciliación bancaria, rellenada y firmada.


Si has accedido al máster con un título extranjero no homologado es obligatorio que selecciones en la matrícula la tasa correspondiente al estudio de equivalencia de título de estudios extranjeros para el acceso a los estudios de máster. En el caso de que no la selecciones procederemos de oficio a la modificación de tu matrícula para incorporar esta tasa y que te sea cobrada.


Consulta el tutorial de matrícula

3_ Después de la matrícula:

Entrega y revisión de la documentación de matrícula:

En el siguiente enlace puedes consultar la información: documentación de matrícula

Modificaciones y/o anulaciones:

En el cas de que tengas que hacer alguna modificación de matrícula o que quieras anularla, infórmate de las condiciones, los plazos y las consecuencias.


En el caso de que se produzca el impago de alguno de los importes de la matrícula, infórmate de las consecuencias del impago.

Tarjeta de estudiante

La tarjeta de la UAB es una herramienta de identificación y de acreditación única para los miembros de la comunidad universitaria, que te da acceso libre a los diferentes servicios de la Universidad. La tarjeta es válida por un periodo de siete años.

Tienes la opción de hacer la solicitud de la tarjeta universitaria con este formulario. Has de tener en cuenta que, si escoges esta opción, la tarjeta llegará a tu domicilio al cabo de tres semanas. Cuando recibas la tarjeta has de gestionar la activación en este enlace.


Antes de la matrícula

Enviar documentación escaneada por correo electrónico a

  • credencial de becario/a
  • NIE (ciudadanos UE), TIE (extracomunitarios) o pasaporte
  • documentación acreditativa de alguna gratuidad o descuento
  • título o certificado académico de unos estudios de máster oficial finalizado previamente

Realizar la tutoría previa obligatoria de matrícula


Acceder desde la opción “Automatrícula desde fuera del campus” de la página con el NIU y la contraseña con la que hiciste la preinscripción

Después de la matrícula

Entrega y revisión de la documentación de matrícula. En el siguiente enlace puedes consultar la información: documentación de matrícula

Tarjeta de estudiante

Solicitar la tarjeta universitaria con este formulario. La tarjeta llegará a tu domicilio al cabo de tres semanas. Cuando la recibas has de gestionar la activación en este enlace.

Una vez cubiertas todas las plazas la Universidad emitirá la resolución de denegación de la admisión al resto de alumnos en lista de espera por no quedar plazas disponibles y cerrará el proceso de preinscripción.


Important information for all students with a right to exemption from paying enrolment fees or to a reduced fee:

To formalise registration where there is a fees exemption or discount, you must send the accrediting documentation by the means indicated on the web file of your Master’s degree (email, documentation form, or others).

When do documents need to be sent to justify paying a reduced fee or for a fee exemption?

  • If UAB already has up-to-date versions of these documents, there is no need to send them again (for example, if they were submitted in a previous year).
  • If UAB has the documents but these are not up to date, they do need to be sent in, except for large-family cards issued in Catalonia.
  • In all other cases, you need to send in the documents justifying a fee reduction or exemption to your Academic Management office.

Afterwards, you must present the original or an authorised copy in person or by certified mail to your Academic Management Office before 8 November. Applicants who do not present the original documents by this date the registration fees will be modified and the corresponding amount charged.

Deadline for submitting documents

  • The accrediting documents for exemption or reduction of fees must be emailed in advance of registration and the originals or attested copies delivered to the Academic Management before 8 November.
  • All other documents (SEPA documents, access documents not submitted previously, insurance for students over the age of 28, etc.): The deadline for submitting the documents to the Academic Management is 15 December 2024.

If you are a new university entrant:

1. Contact your Master's degree coordinator or follow the instructions from your Academic Management to arrange your pre-registration tutorial.

2. ID document:

  • Students with a Spanish DNI: this does not need to be sent to the Academic Management.  It still needs to be shown for identification purposes when carrying out formalities in person.
  • Students of the European Union: after registration the original and a photocopy of the student’s passport or identification document of the student’s country, which is valid at the time of registration, must be presented to the Academic Management Office (attested photocopy or send it by post).
  • Foreign students not from the European Union: after enrolling, take the original and a photocopy of your Foreigner's Identity Card (TIE) to the Academic Management, or send in an attested photocopy by post. Students who have not yet obtained the TIE have a maximum of three months from the date of registration to present the document.
  • Foreign students residing in an EU country need to email their NIE to the Academic Management before enrolling, to be kept on record. Remember that the permission to stay in Spain granted to foreign students is not the same as a residency permit. Students with a residency permit will be exempt from the fee for non-EU students.

3. SEPA direct debit order: To pay the enrolment fees by direct debit, you will need to fill in, print, sign and send the corresponding form to your faculty's Academic Management office, after enrolling. The bank details must include the IBAN and BIC codes if the bank is not present in Spain. Only accounts in banks located in the EU, Andorra, the Vatican, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino or Switzerland are accepted.

Registration fees can also be paid by credit or debit card but, in this case, payment has to be made in a single instalment. Students who have applied for a grant must pay the registration fees by direct debit, so that the grant amount can be refunded where appropriate.

4. Qualifications for admission: Before15 December, you need to provide the Academic Management with the original and a photocopy of the degree certificate that qualifies you to join this Master’s degree programme, or an official document certifying that your degree has been awarded. Alternatively, you can send in an attested photocopy by post.

5. Transcript: This document can be emailed in digital format, provided it has a secure verification code (SVC), or else it can be sent in by post or handed in at the Academic Management office before 15 December. The transcript for the studies that qualify you to join this Master’s degree must include the academic years corresponding to the programme, the courses taken, the credits obtained and the grades obtained.

Students abroad can send in attested or legalised copies of the documents, and the corresponding translations, where appropriate, by post or messaging service, addressed to the Academic Management offices.

6. If you are 28 or older, you will need to present the original and a copy of a health, accident and civil liability insurance policy that is valid in Spain. For this purpose, when enrolling, you can take out the complementary insurance offered by UAB.

7. Social Security affiliation number. During the registration process you can fill in the box NUSS (Social Security affiliation number). It is no essential to fill in this box nor to present any documents. However, this information will be required by the Academic Management Office before you do any work placements.

8. In certain subjects or bachelor's degrees, it is compulsory to take out the complementary insurance, which will already be pre-selected on the enrolment form.

9. Documents in support of a fee reduction or exemption

Information on discounts on enrolment fees.


Conditions applicable for 2024/2025 academic year Supporting documents
Membership of a large family as certified by the Generalitat de Catalunya If you were granted a large-family reduction when enrolling last year, there is no need to submit any document.
If you do not have a valid large-family card when you register, you have ten days to update it and inform your faculty’s Academic Management office before you register.
Large-family card issued by other autonomous communities Valid large-family card or certificate
If you do not have a valid large-family card when you register, you have ten days to update it and inform your faculty’s Academic Management office before you register.
Discapacitat  reconeguda del 33% o superior One of the following credentials: disability certificate issued or validated by the Department for Work, Social Welfare and Family, resolution or certificate issued by INSS or the competent authority in the corresponding autonomous community or any other specified in Article 2 of Royal Decree 1414/2006.
If you were granted this reduction when enrolling last year, and the document is still valid, there is no need to submit any document: it is only necessary If you have had to renew it.
Victims of acts of terrorism (plus their children and spouses) Administrative resolution.
If you were granted this reduction when enrolling last year, there is no need to submit any document.
Victims of male violence in an intimate partnership (plus their dependent children) (*) The Llibre de Família family register in the case of dependent children up to the age of 21, or a certificate of cohabitation (convivència) for the family unit in the case of children over 21.
One of the following supporting documents: a judgement of conviction; a protection order; any other judicial decision to grant a precautionary measure in the victim's favour; a report from the public prosecutor or the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate; a report or certificate showing that the applicant is receiving assistance as a victim of gender violence, issued by a public administration agency — Social Services, Male- and Family‑Violence Unit of the Directorate General for Families of the Catalan Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families, Specialist Intervention Services (SIE), Information and Assistance Services for Women (SIAD), Crime Victims' Assistance Office, or sheltered accommodation — or by an entity providing assistance to women victims  of male violence in an intimate partnership that is funded by a specific public administration body. * (See further details).
If you were granted this reduction when enrolling last year, and the document is still valid, there is no need to submit any document. For periods of validity, see the section Deductions.

10. If your enrolment is to be done in person and you are unable to come, you need to authorise someone else to do it for you, in writing. The authorisation must contain your personal data and signature.

11. If you have a Master's degree from another university, you need to submit the transcript and an attested copy of the degree certificate.

If your qualification for joining this master's degree programme is a degree from a university abroad, you should keep the following in mind.

Degree certificates and transcripts issued by European Union institutions, by signatory countries of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, and by Switzerland must be official and issued by the competent authorities.

Degree certificates and transcripts issued by non-European Union institutions must be official, issued by the competent authorities and legalised diplomatically or, where applicable, through the Hague Convention Apostille or the Andrés Bello Agreement.

Translation of documents issued abroad

All documents in Catalan, Spanish or English are admissible. To translate documents in French, Italian or Portuguese, you may use the UAB Language Service (Servei de Llengües). In this case, you are responsible for the arrangements and costs involved. In all other cases, you need to attach the corresponding translation into Catalan, Spanish or English produced by a sworn translator, by any Spanish diplomatic or consular mission abroad, or by your own country's diplomatic or consular mission in Spain.

If you have already enrolled in previous academic years: 

Contact your Master’s degree coordinator or follow the instructions from your Academic Management to arrange your pre-registration tutorial.

If you want to enrol part-time:

If you decide not to enrol for a whole academic year, you can opt for part-time registration. This is authorised automatically and no supporting documents are required.


€27.67 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
€66 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2025/26 Academic year.
