Content Official Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Catalan Language and Literature
Ideal student profile
Hold a four-year degree, preferably in the field of Catalan language and literature, or in other romance languages or in Arts and the Humanities. Graduates from other fields may also be eligible to apply, given they take additional training courses recommended by the Admissions Committee.Foreign students who have not previously studied in a Catalan-speaking university or attended lectures in Catalan must present a language level certificate (Level C1 or C2 issued by the Ramon Llull Institute.
- KT01 - Describe the fundamental elements of the historical evolution, geographical variation and social uses of the Catalan language.
- KT02 - Relate authors, works and movements of Catalan literature with their traditions and cultural contexts.
- KT03 - To distinguish the research methods appropriate to the different perspectives of study of the Catalan language and literature, in its diachronic and synchronic dimensions.
- KT04 - To identify the historical, social, political and gender factors that condition linguistic uses and the production and consumption of literature in Catalan.
- KT05 - To identify registers, modalities, levels and genres of academic writing for the transmission of research results in Catalan language and literature studies
- KT06 - Select the technological tools for the management of corpus and bibliographic databases.
- ST01 - Apply the methods of analysis and research typical of linguistics and literary studies, in accordance with the nature of the phenomena or texts to be studied and with the perspective adopted.
- ST02 - Apply the principles of searching, evaluating and citing bibliographic sources at an advanced level.
- ST03 - Use the appropriate technological tools for the research, analysis and management of linguistic data and for the editing of Catalan texts.
- ST04 - To evaluate bibliographic and documentary sources for research in Catalan linguistics and literature.
- ST05 - Analyse with methodological rigour the linguistic and literary characteristics of ancient and modern Catalan texts
- ST06 - Communicate the results of their own research in Catalan, orally and in writing, with linguistic correctness, conceptual precision and expository clarity in academic and professional contexts.
- ST07 - To defend in a solid and argued way the processes and results of research in the academic field, as well as the reports, proposals and interventions in the professional fields of Catalan language and literature.
- CT01 - To devise innovative proposals related to the study, dissemination and teaching of the Catalan language and literature in order to act in the various academic and social fields.
- CT02 - To develop the ability to adapt to the various academic and/or professional environments in the field of Catalan language and literature studies.
- CT03 - Demonstrate autonomy in the development of academic and/or professional proposals in the field of Catalan language and literature studies.
- CT04 - To incorporate the gender perspective in academic and professional work in the field of Catalan language and literature.
- CT05 - Apply the ethical codes of scientific production in the preparation of academic texts.