Official Master's Degree in Translation and Intercultural Studies
Ideal student profile
Bachelor's degree in any area, but preferably in Translation or related subjects (philology, applied languages, etc.), interested in translation and intercultural mediation as a profession or a research area.
Basic skills
- Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
- Student should possess the learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that is largely student led or independent.
- Students should know how to apply the knowledge they have acquired and their capacity for problem solving in new or little known fields within wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the area of study
- Students should be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgements based on information that may be incomplete or limited and includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgements
- Students should know how to communicate their conclusions, knowledge and final reasoning that they hold in front of specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously
Specific skills
- Integrate knowledge to be able to make judgements about topics related to translation and intercultural studies.
- Analyse different types of discourse in intercultural environments.
- Identify and aqequately interpret cultural elements.
- Solve major translatin problems and defen the deciions taken.
- Solve major problems related to intercultural issues and defend the decisions taken.
- Use the necessary documentary and technological resources for translation and intercultural studies.
- Design, plan and carry out an academic or professional project in the area of translation and intercultural studies.
Cross-curricular skills
- Argue original ideas from an academic perspective.
- Develop a critical perspective on one's own and other people's discourses.
- Work in a team and resolve possible conflicts in professional practise.
- Act with social and ethical responsibility.