Official Master's Degree in Educational Psychology
Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.Admission requirements
Candidates must hold an official Spanish or foreign university degree issued by a higher education institution from the European Higher Education Area or from outside this area, which in the country of issue authorises the holder to gain admission to master’s degree studies.
The following may be admitted to the master’s degree:
- Graduates in Education and Psychology, holders of a diploma or bachelor’s degree in Social Education
- Graduates in Primary Education and Early Childhood Education and teachers of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Foreign Languages, Music, Physical Education and Special Education.
- Graduates may also be admitted from other areas of Social Science and Human Science, Experimental Science and Technologies and Health Science who can demonstrate a professional career or interests linked to the field of education. Graduates from other countries may also be admitted when they meet the admission requirements established.
Selection criteria
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available, 1 and 2 will have priority. The selection will be carried out in accordance with the following criteria:
- Academic record (60%)
- Curriculum vitae, indicating professional experience in education (20%)
- Knowledge of English (independent user level B2) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the European Council (10%)
- Personal interview (10%)
Complementary training
Students from other fields such as humanities, experimental and technological sciences, health sciences or other studies within the field of social sciences not directly linked to education may need to take and pass some bridging courses.
The Master's degree committee analyses the previous studies and decides whether is necessary to take bridging courses.
The bridging courses of the Master's degree for students from degrees in the area of humanities, regardless of the track they wish to follow, are as follows:
- Evolutive and Educational Psychology (6 ECTS credits)
- The Teaching-Learning Process (6 ECTS credits)
- Organisational Development of educational Institutions (6 ECTS credits)
- Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Plans and Programmes (12 ECTS credits)
In the case of students from degrees in the field of experimental and technological sciences, the bridging courses for the Master's degree, regardless of the track they wish to take, are as follows:
- Theories and History of Education (6 ECTS credits)
- The Teaching-Learning Process (6 ECTS credits)
- Anthropology and Philosophy of Education (9 ECTS credits)
- Sociopolitical Foundations of Education (15 ECTS credits)
- Organisational Development of educational Institutions (6 ECTS credits)
- Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Plans and Programmes (12 ECTS credits)
The bridging courses for suggested for graduates in Nursing and Medicine are as follows:
- Theories and History of Education (6 ECTS credits)
- The Teaching-Learning Process (6 ECTS credits)
- Sociopolitical Foundations of Education (15 ECTS credits)
- Organisational Development of educational Institutions (6 ECTS credits)
- Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Plans and Programmes (12 ECTS credits)
Finally, for those students with degrees in social sciences that are not directly linked to the field of education, the proposed bridging courses are as follows:
- Evolutive and Educational Psychology (6 ECTS credits)
- The Teaching-Learning Process (6 ECTS credits)
- Organisational Development of educational Institutions (6 ECTS credits)