Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics - UAB/UPF/UAM/UC3M

A cross-curricular and inter-university bachelor's degree to understand an increasingly global, complex and interconnected world

General information

  • Faculty of Political Science and Sociology
    Pompeu Fabra University (coordinating university)
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • Bellaterra Campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 60 (30 at the University Pompeu Fabra and the UAB, 15 at the UAM and 15 at the UC3M)
  • Admission mark: 12,260
  • Price per credit: 17.69 euros
  • Language: Spanish, Catalan and English
  • null
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning
Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

The bachelor's degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics is known to have a broad and prestigious academic tradition in English-speaking countries. Currently, the degree is offered in almost 50 leading universities such as Duke, Durham, Bern, Hamburg, Manchester, North Carolina, Oxford, Pennsilvania, Warwick and Yale.

The objective of this bachelor's degree is to provide students with the tools needed to analyse an increasingly global, complex and interconnected world. Graduates will have obtained a solid training in the political sciences and economics, with an important foundation in critical and moral analysis provided by the humanities and philosophy in particular.

The Alliance 4 Universities (A4U) formed by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), the Universidad Carles III (UC3M) and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) offers this inter-university degree.

The peculiarity of this bachelor's degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics lies in the mobility of students, who must study the degree in Barcelona and Madrid, with the opportunity of also studying part of their degree at a university abroad.

Enrolment takes place at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, which is also the coordinating university.

Career options

Future professionals will be prepared to work in the fields of politics, journalism, industry, education, business management, consultancies and public relations, diplomatic services, local governments and international organisms, etc.

Mobility programmes


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