Bachelor's Degree in Microbiology

The power of an invisible world: from the study of the biology of microorganisms to their multiple applications in the health, agri-food, environmental and biotechnological sectors

General information

  • Faculty of Biosciences
  • Bellaterra campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 60
  • Admission mark: 11,018
  • Price per credit: 18.46 euros
  • Language: catalan (75%), Spanish (21%) and English (4%)

  • Academic calendar
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

The Bachelor's Degree in Microbiology offers a training which will allow you to become a professional with an in-depth knowledge of microorganisms (prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses) and their key role in the food cycle, biodegradation and diodeterioration processes, climate change, manufacturing and deterioration of food, etiology and control of diseases, etc. and in the multiple applications they have which cover a wide variety of areas, such as the health sector, agri-food, the environment and the biotechnological sector. 

The degree reflects the diversity and excellence in research conducted by the lecturers themselves, ans will allow you to acquire a large amount of theoretical and practical experience in all aspects related to microbiology.

The UAB offers you a degree also found at prestigious universities around the world, such as the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and the University of Dublin, Ireland. It is also the only university in the country to offer this undergraduate programme. 

Career options

A microbiologists is a scientist who studies the biology of microorganisms, how they interact with humans, with other living beings and with the environment, as well as the applications of microorganisms.
Microbiology covers different fields including microbial physiology, environmental microbiology, virology or clinical microbiology.

There are various career options for microbiology professionals such as the ones listed below:

  • Human Health sector: isolating and identifying pathogen microbes in water, food, etc.
  • Environmental sector: analysing the microbial diversity of any natural environment, analysing environmental contamination, water quality, etc.
  • Agrofood sector: studying the beneficial role of microorganisms that are present in the food production process. Participating in the development of new food products, functional foods, etc.
  • Industrial sector: genetically modifying and improving microorganisms for industrial uses or in the control of industrial fermentations, etc.
  • Teaching
  • Basic research, development and innovation.


Mobility programmes

Professional training


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