Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences

From illness to health: knowledge of the biological bases of human diseases as a path to achieving a better quality of life.

General information

  • Faculty of Biosciences
    Faculty of Medicine

  • Bellaterra campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 60
  • Admission mark: 12,431
  • Price per credit: 18.46 euros
  • Language: Catalan (60%), Spanish (35%) and English  (5%)
  • Academic calendar
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

The biomedical sciences aim to transfer and apply advances in basic research to the medical field with the aim of better understanding and providing more efficient treatments to diseases and globally improving quality of life.

At the UAB, the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences is offered jointly by the Faculties of Biosciences and Medicine, in a multidisciplinary environment in which you will interact with basic researchers, clinical researchers and healthcare staff.

Your study programme will take place both at the Bellaterra campus and at the university hospital teaching units; there is also the possibility of participating in exchange programmes which will allow you to study at other universities or centres from the biohealth field.

Once you complete the degree you will have acquired a profound knowledge of the biological bases of diseases, of the effects they have on the functioning of the human body and of the tools available to diagnose and treat these diseases.

As a graduate in Biomedical Sciences you will be prepared to form part of a multidisciplinary work group in any of the areas related to biomedicine.

Career options

Multiple career options are expected to open up for graduates in this subject, covering the whole spectrum of jobs related to biology and basic biomedicine.
The non-clinical healthcare sector (pharmaceutical industry, basic and applied research, diagnostics laboratory etc.) is the primary destination of graduates in Biomedical Science. However, new profiles are emerging that are suitable for them:

  • Manager in intellectual property. Exploiting and disseminating findings and patents.
  • Executing projects ( product development , business opportunities, markets).
  • Expert in health and communication (including ICT) on biomedical topics.
  • Expert on processes. Innovation in productive processes that incorporate criteria of sustainability and safety.
  • Expert on hygiene and food safety.
  • Expert on genomics and bioinformatics.
  • Expert on biology of systems.
  • Expert on Translational Research.


Mobility programmes

Professional training


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