Admission Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communication

Course access

Students wishing to take this course have different access routes, depending on their previous studies:


Type of access Preference of access Admission mark 24/25
Secondary school diploma + University entrance exam (PAU) and CFGS (Advanced professional training) Weighted subjects pertaining to the PAU specific phase:
  • Musical Analysis (0.2)
  • Scenic Arts (0.2)
  • Artistic Drawing (0.1)
  • Technical Drawing (0.1)
  • Design (0.2)
  • Art Foundations (0.1)
  • Geography (0.1)
  • Greek Language and Culture (0.2)
  • History of Art (0.2)
  • Catalan Literature (0.2)
  • Spanish Literature (0.2)
  • Latin Language and Culture (0.2)
  • Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences (0.2)
  • Mathematics (0.2)

Only for those taking the exam in 2022 and 2023:

  •  Audiovisual Culture (0.2)
University access for people over 25 Social Sciences and Law option ---
Others Employment record for people over 40


Entrance exams for people over 45 ---
Degree holders ---
Change of studies and validations  

(*) Students can validate a total of 18 to 36 credits from their previous studies in fins a 36 crèdits de la titulació als estudiants que hagin accedit des dels CFGS d'Animacions en 3D, Jocs i Entorns Interactius, d'Il·luminació, Captació i Tractament d'Imatge, d'Imatge, de Producció d'Audiovisuals i Espectacles, de Producció d'Audiovisuals, Ràdio i Espectacles, de Realització d'Audiovisuals i Espectacles, de Realització de Projectes d'Audiovisuals i Espectacles, de So i de So per a Audiovisuals i Espectacles. Some subjects are officially recognised (a total of 18 to 36 credits) for students joining the degree from the CFGS in 3D Animation, Interactive Games and Environments, Lighting, Image Caption and Treatment, Image, Audiovisual and Events Production, Audiovisual, Radio and Events Production, Audiovisual and Events Direction, Audiovisual and Events Project Direction, Sound, and Sound for Audiovisuals and Events. More information

Pre-enrolment code


Student Profile

The ideal student for this course should have the following profile:
- An interest in this field, and especially in audiovisual products (radio, television, cinema, multimedia).
- Ability to work in groups.
- Social and communicative skills.
- Capacity for synthesis.
- observation.
- Critical spirit and ability to self-criticise.
- Creativity and imagination.
- Ability to assimilate any kind of knowledge.
- Knowledge of other languages.
A good knowledge of English is required and we recommend that students should have taken the subject Audiovisual Culture in upper secondary school.

Access related information

Check all the information related to university access routes here: secondary school students, CFGS students, over 25 years old and over 45 years old.

You will also find information on other access routes (accredited work experience, changing from a foreign university) and other access routes for pre-university international students (international students: secondary school in the EU, international students: secondary school outside the EU) and for university students and graduates (reincorporations, EU university students, non EU university students and university graduates).