
Delegates are of vital importance to the good academic monitoring of the degrees. They are the basic partners to enhance and promote a comprehensive model of education, where the student is the central character of the educational process and plays an active role in its own education.

Delegates are chosen by their classmates at the beginning of the academic year, they are part of the teaching commissions in the centres and they are in direct contact with the Dinamització Comunitària Unit. It is the responsibility of the Student Council of the Faculty, with the participation of all the students of the Faculty, to prepare its Regulations (art. 26.1 of the Regulations of the Faculty of Economics and Business).

Visit here the list of delegates of the Faculty.

The Faculty Student Council
icona ubicació  Edifici B, porta B1-015 (Bellaterra) i Edifici S, porta S/026A (Sabadell)
facebook   @consell_economiauab
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The UAB Student Council
The UAB Student Council is the highest body in student representation and its main objective is to communicate the voice of students to the decision-making bodies of the university, guaranteeing the rights of the student community. It is composed of 55 students.
