Alumni UAB

Alumni UAB is an institutional programme of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona that lets graduates maintain their ties with the university and with each other, and also build up new professional and personal relationships.
Welcome to the School of Economics and Business at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Our school is one of the centers with which the UAB began its activity in 1968, now 56 years ago. With more than five decades of experience in student training, nearly 3,500 students, and a wide range of programs offered at undergraduate and postgraduate level, the School of Economics and Business is one of the schools of reference in our country and has earned a well-deserved international prestige and reputation.
One of the main interests of our School is the permanent improvement of the quality of our education programs, a quality that is periodically subjected to external evaluation in all the universities belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) according to some common standards. Such quality accreditation process, which in the case of the Catalan university system is carried out by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU), places us in an excellent position. The School of Economics and Business has an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ) certified by AQU, with advanced implementation in most of its dimensions, and has obtained institutional accreditation by the Spanish Ministry of Universities. This implies the positive evaluation and accreditation of all of our bachelor's and master's degrees, six of them with a special mention of excellence; additionally, five degrees have achieved the special dimension of internationalization awarded by the AQU, and three have done so with the added distinction of excellence.
In this context, two distinctive features of our School are its international vocation and the dual training it provides. The international vocation is expressed in a wide educational offer taught entirely in English that includes two degrees, a wide variety of official master's degrees and several doctoral programs; it is visualized in the rapid development and good reception of the exchange programs we offer, and it is also reflected in the scientific publications, research projects, and seminar programs fully aligned with the international standards characteristic of any academic institution of worldwide prestige.
In terms of dual training, the seven degrees offered by the School provide students with the opportunity to conduct curricular internships and have a first work experience during their study period. This is a tradition that began with the Programa Universitat-Empresa (University-Business Program) more than 35 years ago, and which was consolidated with the offer of internships for the degrees taught at the Sabadell Campus and with the English internship program in collaboration with Barcelona Activa.
In September 2024, we join a new Dean's Team with the strong will to continue improving the services and education we offer to our undergraduate, master’s and doctorate students. As part of a large public university which has been suffering the consequences of systematic under-funding for years, which obviously jeopardizes our possibilities of investment in spaces, modernization of equipment, and increase and stabilization of our faculty and staff, we will continue to work tirelessly to keep up to our competitive and dynamic standards of service and education, which allow us to give the best possible reply to the demand for studies in the fields of economics and business.
Finally, to you, current and future students, I would like to say that here you will find a unique environment in which you can learn and prepare for the next stage of your lives. Today, education goes beyond the classroom and both the School of Economics and Business and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona offer you the best tools for learning and personal development by means of complementary spaces and services such as languages learning services or physical activity facilities and/or through all the activities that the school organizes such as the Economy and Business Film Series, Entrepreneurship Talks, Conferences, Excel Workshops, the Jobs Week, etc. We invite you to actively participate in all these activities and others that take place, and also to propose new ones and get involved in the day-to-day life of the school and the Campus. Your representatives in the classrooms and the Student Council will help you have your own voice in this ecosystem that we all need to feed. Don't stop doing that and take advantage of these years of education while you are among us. Make the most of them because it's time for you to invest and devote intensively in your education which is, undoubtedly, the best device to boost your future in terms of both personal development and professional career.
Welcome to the School of Economics and Business at UAB.
Alumni UAB is an institutional programme of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona that lets graduates maintain their ties with the university and with each other, and also build up new professional and personal relationships.
The Fundació Autònoma Solidària contributes to the construction of a social reality committed to college, encouraging the participation of the university community and ensuring equal opportunities.
In addition to the fields of associations, politics, culture, sports and the academic-professional area that student societies offer, there are also institutional channels through which students can participate in the governance and management of university.
The Cinema of the UAB has a regular programming of films, documentaries, TV productions, series, thematic seminars and other activities related to the audiovisual industry.
At the Theatre of the UAB you can find a varied programming of dance, theatre and music of own production and professional shows, as well as academic activities or institutional acts.
The UAB has spaces for training and regular artistic creation in which you have teh opportunity to start or continue with your training in an artistic discipline: dance, theatre, choir, orchestra and chamber choir.