
The Faculty offers advice as support and accompaniment to people who want to create a company or improve their entrepreneurial attitudes. In addition, two entrepreneurship awards are held annually, one focused on the most entrepreneurial idea, and the other, on the most entrepreneurial person. At the same time, an Entrepreneurship Club is being created in order to build a common space for discussion and action regarding entrepreneurship in our Faculty.
- Custom advice
In collaboration with CREIS we have created EINE (Espai INova en Emprenedoria) a place to offer support and accompaniment to people who want to create a company or improve their entrepreneurial attitudes.This advice is in-person and offered 3 hours a week on the campuses of Bellaterra and Sabadell:
Shedule2st year 2023-24: Mondays from 15:00 to 18:00 in Bellaterra (Sala de Reunions B1/017) and Sabadell (Sala CREIS S/121A).
If you have an entrepreneurial idea or you are motivated by entrepreneurship, do not hesitate to visit us!
The School collaborates with the Centre for University Entrepreneurship (CIEU-FUABformació) in organizing the entrepreneurship awards: "Award for the most entrepreneurial idea" and "Award for the most entrepreneurial person".
Prize 2023 for the most entrepreneurial idea (Press release)
Prrize 2024 for the most entrepreneurial idea (Deadline for the proposals: April 28th, 2024)
- Entrepreneurship Club
The 2022-23 course saw the first meetings of the students of the Faculty with entrepreneurial ideas to form the Entrepreneurship Club in order to have a common discussion/action space for their projects. The people interested in taking part in the 2023-24 course can write an e-mail address in