Other Entrepreneurship Activities/Services

The UAB also offers a wide variety of services related to entrepreneurship, among which the UAB Empren, the Research Park (Parc de Recerca) and ECIU University stand out.
There are also different organizations worldwide related to the field of entrepreneurship, as the following ones:
- Academy of Management (AoM) https://aom.org / Entrepreneurship division https://ent.aom.org/home
- European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) https://ecsb.org
- Academia Científica de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa (ACEDE) https://www.acede.org/es/ / Sección de Emprendimiento https://www.acede.org/es/apartado/funcion-empresarial-y-creacion-de-empresas