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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
UAB Barcelona Summer School

Urban Performing Arts


The main objective is to give the participants tools to understand the different aspects of artistic creation and scenic art in public spaces. Urban Performing Arts is a mostly practical course for which attendance is required each day, to realize a final live and direct street performance. 
The course has two branches: 

  1. Propaedeutics:  Comediants inventors of a new language: daily sessions of 1 1/2 hours.  Analysis of the scenic arts used from Comediants in their urban and outdoor shows and of urban artistic forms developed from other artists and contemporary companies. We will analyse the value of the artistic utilization of the public space, as àgora, as a space of contact, coexistence, integration; the structure of some collective acts on open-air, meetings, mass manifestation that recently are appearing all over the world and its relationship with the festive drama, the use of plasticity elements, music, scenography, song, rituals, as elements of social cohesion, sharing and collective participation. 
  2. Process of creation of an urban Performance: Looking for Peace  Daily sessions of 2  hours of collective physical work with a final performance to present in an urban space.

Looking for Peace:  “Wars begin at the mind of men and it is at the mind of men that the defense of peace is built - it ‘s the preamble to the constitution of UNESCO. Why not try to enclose in our minds a solution that does not follow the brutal and banal of more bombs and more deaths?” (Letters against the war, by Tiziano Terzani)

Courses generally have little or no prerequisite knowledge required for a given topic, however if students face any doubts, we recommend they contact course professors to clarify.

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