About the centre


Edifici Blanc
Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

93 592 97 10

HORARI Office hours



Please contact us if you have any queries:

Services of interest
Go to the Suport Logístic i Punt d'Informació (Logistics and Information) for any of the following.

  • Emergencies
  • First aid
  • Lost and Found
  • Finding classrooms and other rooms
  • Information on timetabling of classes and other activities
  • Information on activities at the School and in other parts of the UAB
  • Equipment out of order
  • Collecting enrolment documents
  • Collecting exam attendance slips
  • Reception of students' practical work (if previously requested by the lecturers)
  • Collecting student cards and reporting issues 
  • Collection and reception of keys: authorised persons
  • Mail, parcels and messaging
  • Informing about absent lecturers
  • Posting items on electronic noticeboards and hanging up posters (prior authorisation needed)
  • Teaching rosters
  • Queries about the Faculty
  • Reservation of rooms for non-teaching purposes and technical equipment (authorised persons only)

Emergency phone number (UAB Security) 93 581 25 25