About the centre

A word from the Director

Joan Pérez

Dear students,

Welcome to the Archives and Records Management studies at FUAB Formació School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Archiving is a discipline with a long history but too often little is known about it, or it is perceived as being limited to the handling and custody of historical documents. However, the truth is that it went well beyond that as a discipline and now Archiving has a presence in all sorts of organisations, both public and private, of all sizes and types of activity and for documents of any kind and any format, on paper or electronic.

Today, archiving plays a key role in organisations in relation to the production and management of information and the documents that contain it, and is therefore essential for contributing to greater efficiency, balance and transparency. All this has made archiving a specialised area working both with documentary heritage and the management of information at the same time as it is produced.

Far from being a discipline which may seem static, it has necessary become innovative in order to meet the challenges of organisation in the management of their information and documentation, but also the challenges posed by the historical archives in terms of the processing, dissemination and communication of their collections.

The UAB Graduate School of Archives and Records Management was created in 2002 in cooperation with the professional sector in Catalonia, and with the aim of offering training to meet a changing situation which demands solidly trained experts in line with what is offered within the European Higher Education Area.

This has resulted in a range of courses from the basic Official Master’s degree in Archival and Records Management and different postgraduate diplomas and specialisation courses responding to specific needs, related to the methodological, technological, normative or specific needs of an organisation.

The transversal nature of archiving has been central to the professional development that enabled entry into the labour market of around 90% in the year after obtaining the Master’s qualification.

The aim of our school is to offer quality training at all times and at each stage of the career and supported by its continuing development and by the excellence and level of specialisation of our teaching staff.

If you are interested in training in Archival and Records Management or you want to broaden your knowledge or specialise in an area of the discipline our school can offer the support and guidance you need.

Joan Pérez
