The Fundació UAB

Ruizhe Fang: 'I would like to contribute so that more researchers and tourism professionals from other cultures can better understand Chinese tourism'

Ruizhe Fang, davant de l'Escola de Postgrau de la UAB

Ruizhe Fang is the holder of the UAB's first PhD in Tourism, also the only one in the province of Barcelona. The object of his study has been precisely the perception of Barcelona and the motivation of the Chinese tourist to visit the city. He defended his doctoral thesis on September 16, in the Graduate School, obtaining the maximum grade, and with the suitcase ready to return to China to continue his career in academia.



  • After finishing a Master’s Degree in Tourism Economics and Management, why did you decide stay in the research field and to enroll a Doctorate Programme?

Actually, I had this idea before graduating from the master's degree. I guess that I am particularly attracted by the question "how do tourism activities work". During the master's study, I found it cool that there is a group of people trying to provide their answers from different perspectives in a scientific way. So I thought "yes, let me join them". And enrolling a doctorate programme is the first step to join them in the academic world.

  • 在取得旅游经济与管理学硕士学位后,您为何又决定继续留在研究领域并攻读博士学位?


The UAB has done a great job in communication and promotion. I can still remember that the news was on the home screen of the UAB website noticing that there is a new PhD programme in Tourism. For me who do not speak Spanish, I could find all necessary information in English immediately.

  • 您是如何找到UAB的旅游学博士项目的?这是巴塞罗那省内一个全新的博士专业。


  • Why Barcelona and the UAB? Was the city or the university in your list of destinations?

I already liked Barcelona a lot before coming to study here. In 2014, I came to visit as a tourist, and Barcelona has left a very good impression on me. Known as one of the top tourism destinations in Europe, the tourism industry here is at a high level of development.
The UAB is very attractive for me as one of the top-ranked universities in Spain known as a very good research university. It is located in Bellaterra which offers a quiet, comfortable atmosphere, for me, it is a perfect place for studying. The campus is also well connected with the Barcelona city center. It does satisfy my imagination of what a university should be like.

  • 您为何选择巴塞罗那以及UAB?这座城市和这所大学当初是在您的目的地清单上吗?


  • Why did you decide to study the motivations of a Chinese tourist to visit Barcelona and his image of the city?

People visit Barcelona for different attractive things for different reasons. Some are attracted by Gaudi's architecture, while others may enjoy the nightlife here. For visitors to the Sagrada Família, some would like to pursue aesthetic pleasure, while others visit it simply because everyone says that it is a must-go in Barcelona.

With the study, I try to discover what is attractive, and why are they attractive for Chinese tourists. And I, as a Chinese, grow up under the influence of Chinese culture, can well resonate, comprehend and interpret the answers from them. The results from the study can help to reveal the underlying reasons for tourist behaviors. I would like to let more researchers from different cultural backgrounds, and tourism practitioners not only in Barcelona, better understand Chinese outbound tourists.

  • 您为何决定研究中国游客对巴塞罗那的印象,以及他们前来巴塞罗那的动机这个课题?


  • Based on your research, why a Chinese tourist visits Barcelona? Which are their perceptions of the city and the main attractions that they would like to know and see?

When seeing the photos of some places of interest in Barcelona, most Chinese tourists would choose Platja de la Barceloneta, Basílica de la Sagrada Família, Parc de la Ciutadella, Catedral de Barcelona, etc.

Some main reasons are to gain knowledge and experience, to understand better the world, to have interesting experiences and memory. It is not hard to understand that when visiting a place so far and different from home, tourists are like newborns trying to see more, to feel more, to know more. Several research participants have repeatedly mentioned a Chinese saying: “读万卷书,行万里路”. It means "read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles”, which says that we can not only learn a lot by reading books but also gain knowledge when traveling.

  • 基于您的研究,中国游客为何前来巴塞罗那?他们对这座城市有哪些看法,有哪些主要方面吸引着他们想要看到了解?

在看巴塞罗那热门景点的照片时,不难发现大部分中国旅客都会选择前往la Barceloneta海滩、圣家堂、城堡公园以及巴塞罗那大教堂等。

  • According to your study, in 2018 the Chinese tourists were just a 0’78% of the international tourists spending nights in Barcelona. Why do you think there was such a low number of visitors?

It is actually a quite big question. A reason is that Barcelona is such a successful destination in Europe, or even worldwide, that a huge amount of tourists from many countries are visiting Barcelona. From the travel motivation perspective, it is mentioned that Chinese tourists would like to see more, to feel more, to know more, when visiting such a far and different place. Therefore, having paid the flight to travel to the other side of the world, they tend to visit not only Barcelona but also many other cities in Spain, even other countries in Europe. Therefore, Barcelona may only be a stop for a short period. In addition, lodging in Barcelona is relatively expensive; they may visit Barcelona during the day, and arrange overnight stays in other cities.

  • 根据您的研究,在2018年的国际游客中,只有0.78%的中国游客选择在巴塞罗那过夜。您对如此之低的游客数量有何看法?


  • However, they were the first ones among the tourists who spent most in Catalonia. Are we losing an excellent opportunity?

The locals in a tourism destination may prefer a lower number of tourists with higher tourism income so that there will be less influence on the local community. If so, I hope that the study results can help those tourism practitioners who are interested in attracting Chinese tourists, whose average tourism expenditure seems to be relatively high.

  • 然而,中国游客在加泰区的消费能力数一数二,我们是否错失了一个良机?


  • How can your findings contribute to product/service development?

The study results provide not only what is attractive for Chinese tourists, but also why they are interested in those attractions. Knowing the complete motivational cognitive structure, product/service can be developed to over better experience.

For example, a big segment of Chinese tourists is interested in going to religious sites to gain knowledge and experience, to enhance self-development, to understand better the world, with the pursuit of a rich and fulfilling life. When communicating the products/services, the tourism attractions with the religious attribute may emphasize that, they provide the possibility for tourists to get to know more, to see the different parts of the world, to enrich their life experience. Meanwhile, an effective way to improve Chinese tourists' satisfaction can be providing easily accessible introductions, like brochures and (electronic) tour guides in the Chinese language. The content in the introduction can go beyond the attraction itself, like involving knowledge about religions (as Catholicism is not so known by the majority of Chinese). It helps to make the tourists feel that they are gaining new knowledge and having their lives enriched.

  • 您的研究成果如何能促进产品或服务的发展?


•    Based on your research, what do you think that the industry must do to adapt better services and products for the Chinese market? And the policy makers?

Understanding the consumers and having the willingness to meet their needs is the first step. I hope that the study results from my research can enable tourism product/service providers to better comprehend the oriental market, to know what is attractive for the Chinese visitors, and why is that attractive for them. Instead of questioning whether their way of traveling or travel motivations are "right" or not, the industry and policymakers may try to stand in Chinese tourists' shoes to understand why those tourists from so far away would think and behave in such ways.

A good example is that many shops in Barcelona understand that Chinese tourists cherish interpersonal relationships and they tend to go shopping at destinations to bring souvenirs (like luxury goods, they would think the price is very competitive with tax-free policy) for friends and relatives. There are more and more Chinese shopping guides, as they can communicate smoothly with the tourists, and they know better their needs.

  • 基于您的研究,您认为针对中国市场,旅游业应如何进行调整,以提供更好的服务及产品?除了这个行业,决策者该做些什么?


  • One of the biggest competitors of Spain is Italy, a country that you could know well during your Master’s studies. Why is Italy still in the top list of the Chinese tourists?

A big reason may be the historical connections between Italy and China. The two ends of the Silk Road are Italy and China. We have known Marco Polo since young. In the history textbook, we learn about Roman Empire whose heritage mainly goes to Italy. The film “Roman Holiday” was popular. Italian luxury brands are well promoted in China. The information from different aspects about Italy stimulates Chinese potential tourists constantly. When thinking of visiting Europe, Italy will be quickly recalled. Spanish bullfight is famous in China, but it seems that there are some debates about the activity within Spain. “La Liga” has been very popular in China in recent years. It is a good signal.

  • 意大利是西班牙最大的竞争对手之一,您在读研究生期间也一定对这个国家非常了解。请问为何意大利仍在中国游客的首先目的地清单中呢?


  • During your experience as a doctorate in the UAB, you could participate in different conferences and conventions of tourism, like the International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality between China and Spain – ICT2019 hosted by the School before the outbreak of Coronavirus. How has this pandemic affected your research?

Luckily, the data was collected before the pandemics. Moreover, the study results for the research question would be relatively stable; it is still useful for the post-pandemic era. If it was not for the pandemic, I might have considered Erasmus or other international projects. The UAB also provides many opportunities of this kind.

  • 在UAB就读博士期间,您在新冠疫情爆发前也参加了由本校承办的中国-西班牙旅游与接待业国际会议(ICT 2019)。请问这场疫情是否对您的研究造成了影响?


  • Moreover, related to the point of view of the Chinese tourists, do you think that the pandemic has changed their perception or motivations to travel to Barcelona?

According to the results from the data collected before the pandemic, healthy life was the most important personal value for Chinese tourists. I believe the pandemic would strengthen its top position. For now, the international tourism market, especially the Chinese market, is still very sluggish. I am not sure how to comment on the change of their perception or motivations to travel to Barcelona. Nevertheless, I believe that a destination that well controls and quickly recovers from the pandemic can surely leave a positive image for Chinese tourists.

  • 另外,从中国游客的角度出发,您认为疫情会对中国游客前来巴塞罗那的想法或动机产生影响吗?


  • About your first impression of the city, did it change after living here for 3 years? What would you recommend sightseeing to a Chinese tourist by now?

Barcelona is a vibrant, artistic, and romantic place. The impression surely changed after walking around many streets and seeing it at different times. I try to see more of Barcelona in the last few days when I am about to leave Barcelona. There are too many good places to pick one for a recommendation. I would recommend Chinese tourists to stay for a longer period to gain more in-depth experience. In addition, Barcelona deserves repeated visits.

  • 您对这座城市的第一印象,在这里居住了三年后有所改变吗?目前您会向中国游客推荐哪些景点?


  • You are the first doctorate in Tourism of the Barcelona’s province and the UAB. How do you feel about it? Would you recommend to other students like you to come to complete their studies in the UAB?

I am happy about finishing my doctorate study here. I do want to express my gratitude to my director Jordi Rosell Foxà, the thesis examination committee, and the professors in the PhD in tourism programme. I received a lot of help and encouragement from them. I surely will recommend UAB to other students. It is a good place to live and study. The professors and docents are really kind and professional. The services and supports from the university are always ready and easily accessible.

  • 您是巴塞罗那省以及UAB旅游专业的第一个博士生,请问您对此有什么想法?您会推荐其他与您一样的学生前来UAB攻读博士吗?

我非常高兴在这里完成了我的博士学历。在这里非常感谢我的导师Jordi Rosell Foxà、论文评审委员会以及旅游学博士项目的所有教授们。我从他们那里得到了很多的帮助和鼓励。我当然会推荐其他的同学们前来UAB就读,这里非常适合居住和学习。这里的教授和讲师们都非常专业和亲切。UAB的服务与支持也一直很到位。

  • After finishing your PhD in Tourism, which are your plans for the future?

I will be going back to China very soon. I plan to start an academic career at university. It will be a cool thing for me to spread tourism-related knowledge and I would like to keep seeking answers for the question "how do tourism activities work".

  • 在完成旅游学博士学业后,您对未来有什么计划?
