Participation Beyond the classroom, a world to discover




The Community Involvement unit is located in L'Àgora (R Building), together with Cultura en Viu, Fundació Autònoma Solidària and the Observatory for Equality.

The main goal of the Community Involvement unit is to encourage the participation beyond the classroom, giving advantage to the development and consolidation of the associations’ network and giving support to the students’ representation. In addition, we develop a stable schedule to involve the community through activities which work on internationalization and the creation of networks.

We understand participation as learning in itself, that makes easier that the students acquire transversal skills that are essential to become active and involved citizens.

The Community Involvement unit has some tools and resources just to strengthen students’ associations, the representatives of academic groups, students’ councils and active students’ groups and, in this way, organize their own activities and give them to the community.

The Hotel d'Entitats and Resources Centre are the spaces of management of the resources for participation. The Plaça Cívica is the reference point for the campus involvement, a space of meeting, leisure, solidarity and demand A public place for the community to share and enjoy.