Study file
- PhD type
- Number of places available
- 20
- Fees
- aprox. €540 per year View detail of the PhD's fees
- Languages in which the thesis may be written
- English, Catalan and Spanish
- Organising universities and institutions
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Associated departments or institutes
- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Department of Microelectronics and Electronic Systems
- Department of Telecommunications and Systems Engineering
- Collaborating institutions
Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de Cataluña, IEEC del CERCA
Centro de Referencia de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación ATM (CRIDA)
Instituto de Física de Altas Energías (IFAE).
- Areas of knowledge
- Technological Sciences
Why do this PhD?
If you are passionate about technology and its potential for changing the world, the PhD programme in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering offers you the chance to get started in the most advanced and cutting-edge fields of research. The program offers a wide variety of lines of research including printed electronics, satellite navigation, the manufacture of micro and nanoelectronic devices, the control of sewage purification plants, air traffic management or biomedicine data analysis, among others, led by researchers with a consolidated scientific career and part of research groups with a high national and international projection.
The research lines are supported by the broad participation of the groups in international projects, which will allow you to be in contact with foreign researchers with whom you can spend time during your thesis. You will have first-rate scientific equipment to carry out your research, such as an atomic force microscope, a net room for nanolithography, or an anechoic chamber, which will allow you to carry out high-impact research that you will publish in prestigious scientific journals and that will be of interest to companies all over the world.
Likewise, many thesis projects have the support of companies for the development of joint projects, industrial doctorates and collaboration agreements with the CNM and the CSIC.
Professional opportunities
This PhD programme provides the following principal career options.
- Heads of R&D departments working with micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and electronic and telecommunication systems.
- Researchers in private or public research centres.
- Consultants helping to develop research projects (preparation of proposals, search for financial support, management of patents, etc.).
- University teaching.

Completing this doctorate has allowed me to expand my knowledge, grow as a person, as well as open the doors to the world of research.
Ivan Pisa Dacosta
Doctor for the programme in July 2022

Through this program I have transferred knowledge to the semiconductor industry and have enjoyed a research stay at a US company.
Eloi Guerrero
estudiante actual del programa

During the development of my thesis I had the opportunity to collaborate in research projects, attend various conferences and meet people from the sector, all with the satisfaction of contributing to the innovation in my field of study.
Jonathan Muñoz Enano
Doctor for the 2022 programme
Carles Ferrer Ramis
Composition of the academic tribunal for the PhD programme
- Coordinator of the doctoral program and the representative of the Department of Microelectronics and Electronic Systems.
- A representative of the Electronic Engineering Department.
- A representative of the Telecommunication and Systems Engineering department.
- A representative of the IMB-CNM, CSIC
- The director of the Microelectronics and Electronic Systems department.
School of Engineering - Building Q
Lines of research and thesis supervision
Thesis supervisor/s and academic tutor/s
Additional information about the programme faculty can be found at the bottom of this page.
Thesis supervision and thesis tutoring
Thesis supervision
PhD thesis supervisor
At the time of making the admission proposal, the academic tribunal of the PhD programme assigns the PhD candidate a thesis supervisor, and this figure will be responsible for the coherence and appropriateness of the activities, impact and innovation in the subject field of the thesis and will guide the planning and adequacy of the research to other projects and activities.
The designation of a thesis supervisor may fall on any Spanish or Foreign PhD with accredited research experience independently of the university, centre or institution in which they work. At the same time, each PhD programme may establish additional criteria as necessary for the PhD thesis supervisor.
The supervisor's responsibilities are the following:
- Try to ensure that the project is original, innovative and viable, under the terms of the rules, and also that it is coherent with the group or line of the research to which it is linked.
- Agree to the plan for the supervision of research work and plan regular meetings. The supervisor informs what documents are required for each meeting (written reports, messages, minutes, handwritten papers etc) to be able to accredit the frequency of the meetings.
- Advise the PhD candidate on the research in general and the preparation of the thesis in particular.
- Indicate to the PhD candidate the most appropriate activities for their research when the PhD programme has been identified and sign the activities document.
- Facilitate the candidate's participation in the specific and transferrable training activities for the PhD programme in accordance with that established in the commitment document.
- Sign the commitment and activities document for the PhD candidate.
- Assist the PhD candidate in the definition of the PhD research project and the research that will eventually culminate in the PhD thesis.
- Revise and sign the research plan for the thesis.
- Undertake to regularly supervise in accordance with the commitment document, the research plan for the PhD candidate, and help them to focus the project while it is being carried out.
- Try to ensure that the PhD student takes the initiative and achieves increasing autonomy throughout the project.
- Assist the PhD candidate to find solutions for different aspects related to their research and establish the specific details and the means required and, where necessary, the experimental design.
- Let the PhD candidate know about all the means available to them at the University that are important for their research and help them to access them.
- Write the forms required for the annual review.
- Read, correct and comment on the draft thesis before it is deposited, on the conditions that the candidate has provided a copy a reasonable time beforehand.
- Ensure that the candidate understands the administrative and academic requirements for the assessment and defence of the thesis as well as the corresponding deadlines throughout the process.
- Communicate health and safety rules to the PhD candidate where necessary.
- Communicate any rule or ethical aspect that may be related to their research.
The designation of the thesis supervisor may be modified at any time during the PhD programme: whenever there are justified reasons the supervisor may reject supervision of the thesis (in which case the academic tribunal for the programme will suggest a replacement); on petition of the PhD candidate where there are justifications for doing so the academic tribunal of the PhD programme may change the designation of the PhD supervisor.
Thesis supervisors outside the PhD programme
Thesis supervisors who are not lecturers at the UAB or who have not been appointed as a thesis director must accredit their own PhD qualification and research experience, i.e. specific details of publications, research projects they have worked on and any other information relevant to the lines of research proposed on the PhD programme. Once the above supervisor has been approved, the academic tribunal for the PhD programme may authorise their incorporation into the programme as a possible thesis supervisor (or assign them to a single doctoral thesis).
Each PhD programme must establish which other lecturers, whatever their category as long as they are not included in the programme, are able to supervise the thesis.
Joint supervision of the PhD thesis
The PhD thesis may be supervised by other PhD holders where there are academic arguments for doing so (such as interdiscplinarity of the subject or national or international programmes) with the prior authorisation of the academic tribunal of the PhD programme. This authorisation may be withdrawn at a later date if, in the opinion of the academic tribunal, the joint supervision is not beneficial to the progress of the thesis.
A PhD thesis may be jointly supervised by up to three PhD holders.
Maximum number of theses per supervisor
Each supervisor may supervise a maximum of five PhD theses simultaneously. The supervision of the PhD thesis concludes at the time the thesis is presented and defended or if the PhD candidate withdraws. In terms of recognition of the teaching and research dedication in situations of joint supervision these should be divided equally.
Recognition of thesis supervision
One essential way to encourage thesis supervision is by ensuring that this task is recognised and valued: something that the UAB regulations achieve. The approval of the Academic Workload Model for UAB Teaching Staff by the Governing Council on 13 December 2017, significantly improved the system used to calculate and take account of supervision tasks. Article 10.3 stipulates that the supervisor of a doctoral thesis is to have 100 hours recognised per thesis supervised. If supervision is carried out by more than one person, this recognition is shared equally between them.
Thesis tutoring
At the time of application the academic tribunal of the programme will assign the candidate an academic tutor. The academic tutor must be a doctor with accredited research experience, linked to the programme in which has been admitted the doctoral student..
The academic tutor has the following responsibilities:
- Ensure coherence in the tasks of the PhD candidate and supervisor and the research group.
- Provide communication between the PhD student and the academic tribunal of the PhD programme.
- Ensure the appropriateness of the PhD training and research activity to the programme and the norms of the School for Doctoral Studies.
- Sign the commitment and activities document for the PhD candidate.
- Check and sign the PhD research plan.
- Write the reports required for the annual review.
The academic tribunal of the programme can establish, where possible, that the academic tutor can also be the thesis supervisor.
The designation of the academic tutor may be changed at any time during the PhD course: on the part of the PhD candidate, where there are justified reasons; on the part of the thesis supervisor, where there are justified reasons. In these cases the academic tribunal of the PhD programme has to propose a new tutor.
List of CSIC collaborator directors
Research Line:
Name and surnames | Institut |
Francesc Perez Murano | IMB-CNM |
Gonzalo Murillo Rodriguez | IMB-CNM |
Anton Guimerà Brunet | IMB-CNM |
Jaume Esteve Tintò | IMB-CNM |
Stella Vallejos Vargas | IMB-CNM |
Xavier Jordà Sanuy | IMB-CNM |
Mireia Bargalló González | IMB-CNM |
Jose Antonio Plaza Plaza | IMB-CNM |
Gemma Gabriel Buguña | IMB-CNM |
Xavier Perpiña Giribet | IMB-CNM |
Miquel Vellvehí Hernández | IMB-CNM |
Marta Fernández Regúlez | IMB-CNM |
Miguel Ullàn Colomes | IMB-CNM |
Laura Lechuga Gómez | ICN2 |
Jose Antonio Garrido | ICN2 |
Research Line:
Name and surnames | Institut |
Anton Guimerà Brunet | IMB-CNM |
Gemma Gabriel Buguña | IMB-CNM |
Mar Álvarez Sánchez | IMB-CNM |
Rosa Villa Sanz | IMB-CNM |
Xavier Illa Vila | IMB-CNM |
Antoni Baldi Coll | IMB-CNM |
Michele Dei | IMB-CNM |
Josep Maria Margarit Taulé | IMB-CNM |
Eloi Ramon García | IMB-CNM |
Jordi Sacristán Riquelme | IMB-CNM |
Admission application
The UAB PhD programs are onsite.
Candidates who wish to access a PhD programme must apply to the academic committee for admissions using the online application form and follow the procedure established by the coordinators or administrative managers responsible for the PhD programme for the proposal of a tutor and thesis supervisor.
Before starting the application, please check in the section “Requirements and Criteria”, the access requirements, as well as the timetable for the application. In the section “Guidelines and direction” you will find information about academic tutors and thesis directors.
We recommend that you check this video before starting the application (video in Spanish; click on the CC button to display the English subtitles):
Summary fo the steps to follow in your application
- To acces the application form, you will need a university identificacion number (NIU) and a password. To obtain these:
- If you are not a UAB student, enter identification details to register.
- If you are currently a UAB student or have studied at the UAB before, you have a university ID number (NIU) and you remember your password, go straight to your application.
- If you are already or have been a UAB student, but you cannot remember your NIU and/or your password, re-enter your identification details to recover them.
- Enter your personal and academic data in the different sections of the application form. Your name and surname(s) must be the same as those shown on your ID card, passport, NIE.
- Attach all the documents required by this program. The documents are attached in .pdf, .jpg or .doc format (maximum 4 MB). Failure to include the requested documents in each of the specific sections of the application may lead to the denial of your application.
In the application you must indicate- the type of stay: full time or part time.- In the screen Proposed doctoral student you must choose the tutor and the person/s who accept the direction of your thesis. If it is a program requirement, you must also include, filled out and signed, a document stating the approval of your thesis supervisor / academic tutor (if the director is external to the UAB, you will first have to check , when you do the pre-registration, if you already appear as an internal director -you have to search for the director by last name and if you find him/her with a code, you have to select him/her since already registered-). In case you do not find it and the director is external to the UAB, it is necessary that you send him/her the external director document, fill it in and sign it. This document must also be attached to the application. It is recommended to do this procedure in time before applying for admission. Check the documentation section of your program that you will find in the 'Admission' tab to see if the program has a specific document model.
- you must also indicate the line of research- If you need an early admission due to the request or award of a grant, it is necessary to indicate it in the observations field and indicate the name of the grant. The coordination of the program, depending on the situation, will resolve your early admission, if necessary.
Connect to sia.uab.cat, make the application and attach all the required documentation.
Save the application on the last screen of the process. If you want, you can download the proof of the application for admission. You will receive the resolution of the application via the e-mail address you indicated in the application.
You can check the status of your application by going to your application.
CONSULT SOME INDICATIONS THAT MAY BE USEFUL for you to pre-register online
Once your application has been saved, you will enter the selection process. You will receive the result of the resolution in a personalized way in the email that you indicated in the application for admission, according to the schedule of the doctoral program. Check the spam tray to verify that it has not been treated as junk mail.
This PhD programme has, for the 2025-2026 academic year, the following pre-registration periods:
- From January, 22 to February, 28 (CSC Student)
- RESOLUTION maximum by the School of Doctorate: March, 14
- From February, 10 to March, 21
- RESOLUTION maximum by the School of Doctorate: April, 30
- From April, 04 to May, 30
- RESOLUTION maximum by the School of Doctorate: June, 27
- From June, 10 to July, 31
- RESOLUTION maximum by the School of Doctorate: October, 03
- From September, 01 to October, 15
- RESOLUTION maximum by the School of Doctorate: November, 05
- From October, 17 to November, 28
- RESOLUTION maximum by the School of Doctorate: December, 19
Documentation necessary for admission
Applicants must be able to accredit before the coordinators or academic managers of the PhD programme that their previous studies are sufficient for access to a PhD programme in accordance with prevailing legislation and must provide this obligatory documents relatet to previous studies (degree and academic certificates). In the section ‘General access requirements’ you can also consult all the access routes to the doctoral program that the current regulations allow.
The required documents may be presented in Catalan, Spanish or English. Any documents issued in French, Italian or Portuguese can be presented as translations carried out by the UAB Language Service - Idiomes UAB Campus. Applicants must organise their own translations and pay for them. For documents issued in any other language, they must be presented as translation into Catalan, Spanish or English by a sworn translator, working for any diplomatic or consular service of Spain abroad or the Spanish consular or diplomatic representation of the applicant’s national country.
To legalise the documentation accrediting studies carried out abroad, follow the procedure set out in the 'Legalisation' section on this website. Non-legalised documents may be presented for admission to the PhD programme even though legalisation will be required for the registration stage.
Documents | Format |
Previus studies | Consult what documentation and how to attach it. |
Authorization to consult Spanish university degrees to Ministry | Authorization Attach this document in order to avoid submitting the documentation of your previous Spanish studies for enrollment. |
Picture of the face with a white background | Picture (.jpg) maximum 15Kb |
DNI/NIE/PASSPORT | Scanned DNI/NIE card. If you are a foreign student, an authentic copy of the PASSAPORT, if you do not have a TIE/NIE card. |
Specific program documents | See the following table of documents |
Application form for part-time PhD studies (document in Spanish) | Part-time request |
If you have a functional diversity equal to or greater than 33%, in order to apply to the permanence regime in the program | Attach the certificate this condition. |
If you attach the documentation in other formats than the electronic one (without CVS or QR), you will have to submit the documentation before you can self-enroll for the 2025/26 course.
Documents | How to attach in the computer application |
Mandatory documentation for the access route provided on this same website |
Document stating the approval of your thesis supervisor / academic tutor |
Approval of thesis supervisor / academic tutor |
Application form for part-time PhD studies (document in Spanish) |
Part-time request |
Picture of the face with a white background (.jpg format, maximum 15 Kb) |
Picture |
Documents | How to attach in the computer application |
Motivation letter |
Motivation letter |
Reference letters |
Reference letters |
Curriculum vitae |
CV |
A document of a maximum of five pages specifying what your previous training is, in which line of research of the PhD programme you want to be admitted, and a summary of the objectives that you want to develop. |
Motivation letter |
Language level accreditation |
Foreign language certification |
In addition to the documentation that each programme indicates, two documents (Other documents1 and Other documents2) that serve as a wildcard are attached for each programme so that the interested person can attach other documents that he or she considers appropriate or that the PhD programme indicates.
Admissions before the established period and pre-admissions
The Doctoral School, following the indications of the coordination of the PhD programme, can issue before the start of the term of admission of an academic course, or before the end of the term of resolution, letters of admission so that you can request a scholarship or to do the visa procedures in your country. It is only necessary that you enter your application in the computer application and that you indicate it in the Observations field, where you must indicate that you need a letter of admission and the scholarship to which you are opting. If the computer application is closed, you can contact the coordination of the programme.
If you need a preadmission, the coordination of the programme can issue it if it considers it appropriate. You must contact the coordination of the programme to inform you of the procedure.
On the International Support Service website you can see more information about future foreign students related to residencies in Catalonia, legal procedures and the UAB campus.
Monitoring your application
You can monitor your application using the same page as you made it. Below are the explanations of the different stages:
- Application made by student: your pre-registration has been saved.
- Incomplete application: there are documents missing from the application.
- Validated by the administrative office: the application and attached documents have been checked.
- Admitted: the coordinator has considered the pre-registration and proposed an offer or admission.
- Offer of admission: the Doctoral School has considered the proposals for admission made by the coordinator and has made a definitive offer. The PhD student will also receive an e-mail informing them of this decision. The PhD student must wait to register.
- Waiting list: the coordinator has considered the pre-registration and has agreed on admission but there are no places on the PhD course.
- Application rejected: the coordinator or the Doctoral School have considered the application but do not agree to admission as not all the requirements have been fulfilled.
If you need it, here you will find a complementary information document on PhD studies.
Requirements and selection criteria
General access requirements
In general, to gain access to an official PhD programme the candidate must hold a Spanish degree or equivalent and a Master's degree.
Access may be granted where the following cases apply:
- Hold an official Spanish university degrees or equivalent Spanish degrees provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been passed in all of these courses and accredit level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
- Hold a title obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), without the need for its homologation, which accredits a level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework provided that said title authorizes access to studies of PhD in the issuing country. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than access to PhD studies.
- Hold a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems outside the EHEA, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish university Master's degree and that it authorizes in the country of issuance of the title for access to PhD studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies.
- Holder of of another title of Doctor.
- Likewise, university graduates who, after obtaining a place in training in the corresponding entrance test to specialized health training places, have passed with a positive evaluation of at least two years of training in a program to obtain the Official title of one of the specialties in Health Sciences.
Admission to the PhD programme is decided by the Rector and depends on having passed the bridging courses, where they exist.
Selection criteria
In the event that demand exceeds supply, the selection of candidates will be made on the basis of the score resulting from the assessment of the following aspects, the information on which will be required in any case from the candidate
The Academic Committee will evaluate each of the following aspects according to the weighting indicated below and will establish a score from 0 to 10 for each applicant:
- Academic record, bachelor's and master's degree, qualification and affinity of the studies with the entry profile and with one of the lines of research of the PhD programme (60%).
- Activities, professional experience and research experience related to one of the lines of research of the programme (professional experience in companies or research centres, participation in conferences, publications, membership of research projects) (30%).
- Knowledge of English with a minimum level of C1 (5%), except for students whose country of origin English is the official language.
- Letters of reference from doctors (5%).
Training supplements
The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme, after reviewing the student's previous studies, may require taking specific training suplements
These Training suplements will be configured on the basis of the university master's degree modules offered at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and may not exceed 30 ECTS credits.
The specific training suplements must be taken during the first year of study
Specifically, subjects have been identified from three master's degree programmes in the field of engineering of the UAB School of Engineering that can meet the demand for training credits in this programme.
- Master's degree in Research and Innovation in Computer Based Science and Engineering
44728 - Engineering Technology, Innovation and Research (6 ECTS)
- Master's Degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
43429 - State of the Art and Methodologies for Research (9 ECTS)
- Master's Degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering
43475 - Research and Innovation (6 ECTS)
Registration and fees
Each academic year the PhD candidate must register for the annual review as part of the administrative process to form a contract between the PhD student and the university.
First year Registration
Registration in the first year should be done once the decision is made and no longer than one month after the date of admission. Check the information about procedure, calendar, documents and prices on this page.
Prior to registration, please check the additional information and indications on the registration procedure.
Here is a video to show you how to self-register:
(Video in Spanish with English subtitles)
Calendar and Registration documents
Calendar and registration documents
When the PhD applicant is accepted onto a PhD programme they must formalise the PhD review registration document in a period of not more than one month after being accepted. The following courses must be registered for within the established registration period:
Registration calendar
Registration documents
PhD applicants should bring the following obligatory documentation when registering at the School for Doctoral Studies. Check the documentation on this link.
The documents may be presented in Catalan, Spanish or English. For documentation in French, Italian or Portuguese, you can send it to the Language Service at the UAB. The applicant is responsible for the getting the documents translated and paying for the service. For other languages you need to provide a translation in to Catalan by a sworn translator, any diplomatic or consular service of Spain abroad or the Spanish consular or diplomatic representation of the applicant’s national country.
To legalise the documentation that accredits the courses taken abroad, please check the 'Legalisation' section (in Spanish). Nevertheless, at the time of pre-admission or admission the doctoral student may submit the non-legalised documentation although it must be legalised by the time the students registers.
After the registration
When PhD students have registered they need to use the UAB Intranet self-enrolment system or follow the instructions of the programme coordinator or administrator to produce the statement of commitment, the activities document and the research plan. This section describes the nature of these documents and the way in which they should be prepared.
There is also other information that should be taken into account when carrying out doctoral research, such as the annual review, part or full time study and cases of withdrawal from the programme.
- Statement of commitment
The statement of commitment is a written agreement that establishes the relationship between the PhD candidate, the supervisor, the academic tutor and the UAB, and the rights and responsibilities of each.
Within a maximum period of three months from the date of admission to the PhD programme, and when the coordinator has assigned the PhD student a supervisor, the conditions are negotiated between the student, the supervisor and the academic tutor, agreeing the conditions of collaboration between the student and the thesis supervisor, their obligations, the corresponding dedication of the student, supervisor and tutor, and systems of resolving conflicts etc. , through a statement of commitment which must be signed by the PhD student, the thesis supervisor and the academic tutor and programme coordinator.
As far as the signing and custody of the document is concerned the indications established by the programme coordinator or administrator should be followed but, in any case, when the document is signed, the PhD student must digitize it into Sigma, in the "Research Plan" tab. In the tutorial for the UAB self-enrolment system you will find instructions on how to attach it.
Where the statement of commitment cannot be completed as a result the circumstances of the PhD student, the registration will be cancelled and there is no right to a refund of the fee.
- Activities document
During the preparation of the doctoral thesis the student must carry out a series of activities that will help their academic development, and which have been previously identified by the academic committee of the PhD programme. There are two kinds of activity: Compulsory and optional.
The activities document is the individual register for controlling the PhD activities.
Within three months from the date of admission to the PhD programme, the PhD students must agree with the programme coordinator the activities they will undertake during the preparation of the thesis. The compulsory activities are already included in the activities document; however, the optional activities must be registered for according to the procedure indicated by the programme coordinator or administrator.
The type and number of activities may be modified later using the same procedure, but they must be approved by the thesis supervisor and the academic tutor and also have the approval of the PhD programme coordinator, and recorded in the activities document.
To justify that the activities have been successfully completed the PhD student must hand over a certificate to the supervisor and, where necessary, follow the indication of the coordinator or administrative staff to include the certificates in the activities document.
Since in order to deposit the PhD thesis, the academic tribunal requires the PhD candidate, among other things, to have done all the activities included in the activities document, it is a good idea for the PhD student to ensure that they are duly recorded and marked as having been completed in the activities document.
The tutorial for the UAB self-enrolment system explains how to introduce activities in the activities document. It can be accessed through the UAB Intranet self-enrolment scheme.
If you did not find in these pages the information you need, you can contact the Doctoral School at ed.matricula@uab.cat.
- Research plan and doctoral training plan
The PhD academic coordinator establishes the content of the research plan for the PhD programme, including at least the methodology and objectives to be achieved by the PhD candidate and the means and timescale planning for the research.
Once it has been written it must be attached to the PhD transcript through the UAB Intranet system for approval by the thesis supervisor and the academic tutor. In the tutorial for the UAB self-enrolment system you will find instructions on how to attach it.
Finally it must be presented jointly with the research plan approval and doctoral training plan request form (you will find the document model at the bottom of this page), filled in and signed, to the academic tribunal of the programme which will undertake to evaluate and, where appropriate, approve it.
The research plan may be improved, have details added or be corrected during the PhD programme. Where this is the case the same procedure must be followed but using the research plan and doctoral training plan modification request form (you will find the document model at the bottom of this page).
- Annual monitoring
Every academic year, the academic tribunal of the programme organises a review in which s panel of three PhD lecturers evaluates the progress of the PhD candidate in their research plan, the activities document and a report by the supervisor of the PhD thesis and the academic tutor.
Information about the annual review for this PhD programme is available in the "Review" section of this programme website.
The tutorial for the UAB self-enrolment system explains how to access the system and manage your PhD transcript.
- Other aspects to be taken into account:
Full or part time
The PhD programme is a minimum of two years full time and a maximum of three years full time counted from the date of admission to the programme to the deposit of the thesis in the School for Doctoral Studies.
However, the academic tribunal for the PhD programme may authorise the student to undertake the PhD on a part-time basis, which means a maximum duration of five years from the date of admission to the deposit of the PhD thesis.
During the first two years of the PhD, counted from the date of admission, the PhD student may request a modification of the dedication to the programme from the academic tribunal, as long as this can be justified. If authorisation is granted, the academic committee will inform the School for Doctoral Studies of this change.
However, in exceptional and documented cases the Doctoral Committee may approve a change outside that time period.
Whether the PhD candidate participates in the programme on a full time or part time basis is approved and recorded when registering, in the statement of commitment and in the research plan, and any variation thereof must be made in accordance with the procedure established in the research plan.
Code of good practiceThe UAB is committed to the objective of achieving excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfer, and supports the development and use of learning methodologies adapted to each stage.
The School for Doctoral Studies, as an integral part of the UAB, subscribes to that commitment and sets it out in the code of good practice, which is understood as a code of values and principles that inspire its activities and adhered to by all those taking part in them. It should therefore be understood that the School for Doctoral Studies has an internal set of rules including the rights and responsibilities of the supervisors, academic tutors and PhD candidates.
Download here the signature form of the code of good practice.
Non-continuation and withdrawals
Regardless of whether the PhD programme is followed on a full or part-time basis, the calculation of research activity does not include sick leave, maternity leave or any other cause contemplated in the current rules for doctoral studies. Where PhD students find themselves in any of these situations they must communicate this to the academic tribunal of the PhD programme, which will inform the School for Doctoral Studies so that the total time spent on the programme may be calculated.
Additionally, the PhD student may request temporary leave for a maximum period of one year, extendable to two years. The request must be justified and sent to the academic tribunal of the PhD programme which will decide whether or not to grant the leave. Each PhD programme has its own conditions regarding the reincorporation of the student to the programme.
Tutorial for the UAB self-enrolment systemThe tutorial for the UAB self-enrolment system explains how to access the system and manage your PhD transcript
Activities and internationalization
Training activities
Transversal training activities
The PhD programmes include research training that is both transversal and specific to the area of each programme and consists of both compulsory and optional activities.
All the activities that the PhD student must complete are recorded in an activities document, but in any case there are compulsory activities that must be completed in the first academic years. It may also include transferrable activities offered by the same university.
Other professional who are not PhD holders may participate in these activities as long as they hold a relevant qualification in the corresponding area.
You can also do other mobility, under the Erasmus programme, both studies and internships. Check the information in the corresponding links.
To include these activities in your academic record, please check this video (click on the subtitle icon at the bottom right corner).
Mandatory and optional specific activities
For this PhD programme the following training activities are scheduled.
Mandatory activities:
- Participation in workshops or courses on methodological specialisation
PhD students must attend the courses organised by the Library Service on making efficient use of bibliographic databases (SCOPUS, Medline, etc.), identifying high-impact indexed journals and managing bibliography.
- Oral presentations or posters at national or international conferences
Students must give at least one presentation on a topic related to their doctoral thesis at a prestigious conference on the specific subject area of the thesis.
- Research paper sent to a high-impact scientific journal
Students must send at least one paper on their thesis work and findings to an ISI-JCR-indexed journal on the specific subject area of the thesis.
- Attendance at seminars or lectures given by experts in the subject area
Attendance at one seminar or lecture per year given by an expert in the subject area and organised by the PhD programme itself, or recommended by the programme heads.
- Giving a seminar on the research project
An internal seminar for the research group, not included in the area of assessment.
Optional activities:
- Language course or course on teaching through the medium of English
During their PhD studies students may take the English courses offered by the UAB Language Service.
- Course on entrepreneurship and business
Students take a course on entrepreneurship offered by the UAB Graduate School or another institution previously accepted by the programme. In order to be considered valid this course must be taken during the PhD studies.
- Course on intellectual and industrial property
Students take a course on intellectual and industrial property offered by the UAB Graduate School or another institution that has been approved by the doctoral programme’s academic committee.
In order to be considered valid this course must be taken during the PhD studies.
- Teaching assistance
Teaching problem-based classes in the classroom or laboratory on undergraduate courses.
In order to be considered valid, a minimum of 60 officially programmed hours must be taught during the PhD studies.
- Research stays in public or private centres, at home or abroad
Students may opt to undertake a stay at a research centre in another country. In the annual review of the student's activities document, the doctoral programme’s academic committee will determine whether this activity has been completed successfully. Undertaking this activity is not a condition for authorising the defence of the thesis.
- Symposiums for young researchers
Presentation given at a symposium for young researchers.
In order to be considered valid, students must give one such presentation during their PhD studies.
Typologies and Research Ethics
The aim of this set of good research practices is to get an idea of the regulatory framework for activities linked to research and which follow the directives set out in the Statutes of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, based on principles of freedom, democracy, justice, equality and solidarity. This commitment therefore involves orientating the teaching, research and other university activities towards a culture of peace, respect for human rights, social progress, respect for the environment and sustainable development, and the explicit renouncement of research for military ends.
• Good Research Practices: this is a set of points for action, recommendation and commitments when carrying out research.
• Good PhD Practices: is a set of recommendations and commitments that should serve a guide for PhD candidates in their dual role of students and trainee researchers.
• Institutional Biosafety Committee: technical committee made up of experts in evaluating the safety of facilities and activities conducted with biological agents, in identifying any type of potential risk and in ensuring that all regulations relevant to biosafety are met.
• Ethics Committee on Animal and Human Experimentation (CEEAH), establishes mechanisms and procedures to ensure experimentation is complies with prevailing legislation.
• Good Open Acces Practices, good practices of Catalan universities to meet the Open Acces's mandates about publications, as specified on the 'Ley de la ciencia española' and the European Union's Horizon Europe.
• is a European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or remain connected to research activities in Europe.
Foreign residencies
PhD students can progress further in their area of research through stays abroad, which may, when appropriate, come within the framework of bilateral joint-supervision agreements with a foreign university (thesis under joint international supervision) and within the International Doctoral Research Component. Stays abroad can also be made under Erasmus agreements.
Stays with Erasmus
You can make stays abroad (mainly in Europe) with both Erasmus Studies and Erasmus Internships. In the following links you will find the call and the calendars to request them:
PhD thesis under joint international supervision
On the proposal of the academic tribunal for a PhD programme, the UAB may make agreements with foreign universities or centres of higher education that are authorised to award PhD qualifications for the purpose of preparing the PhD thesis.
In that case the PhD student will carry out research under the control and responsibility of a thesis supervisor in each of the institutions in the agreement, and these in turn will each award the PhD qualification on the basis of a single thesis.
Joint supervision agreements may only be signed during the first year of the research work, counted from the day the student is accepted on the PhD programme.
The period for working on the thesis will be split between the two centres and the minimum stay at the UAB must ne a total of nine months, which may be divided into shorter periods.
See the detailed application procedure for joint international supervision (in Spanish).
International Doctoral Research Component
The PhD qualification may also include the International Doctoral Research Component, as long as the following conditions are fulfilled:
- During the training period necessary to obtain the qualification of PhD, the candidate must have been outside Spain for a minimum of three months in a or more higher education institutions or research centers of prestige, and have carried out research or study there. The period and the activities must be assessed by the supervisor and approved by the academic tribunal, and must be included in the students' PhD activities report. The period may be divided as long and the total is not less than three months (90 days) and one of the stays has a minimum of 1 month..
- Part of the PhD thesis, at least the abstract and conclusions, must be written in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in that field of knowledge, different from any of the official languages in Spain. This regulation does not apply when the periods abroad, the reports and the experts involve a Spanish-speaking country.
- That at least two PhD holding experts from a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre have submitted their reports on the PhD thesis.
- That at least one of the experts belongs to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre, holds a PhD, and is different from the person responsible for the period abroad, formed part of the PhD examination panel.
- The defence of the PhD thesis must take place at the Spanish university where the candidate is registered or, in the case of joint doctoral programmes, in any of the participating universities or under the terms stated in the collaboration agreements.
See the detailed application procedure for the International Doctoral Research Component (in Spanish).
Review and Thesis
Evaluation and annual review
Annual PhD review
Once the PhD student is accepted on the programme, they must register every academic year (including the year when the thesis is deposited) in order to confirm their status. The subject registered for is called review, and it is an evaluation of the training received during the year and progress on the writing of the PhD thesis.
Each academic year the academic committee arranges a review, in which three PhD holding lecturers assess the progress made by the candidate in their research plan and activities document and the report by the thesis supervisor and academic tutor. In the report, the director and the academic tutor state, at least, that the candidate has fulfilled the number of meetings arranged between themselves and the thesis supervisor and has carried out the activities planned for that academic year.
In exceptional cases (research stays or work camps), and with a previous report from the thesis supervisor and from the academic tutor, the Academic Committee of the PhD programme may authorise substitute the oral and face-to-face presentation of the annual review by another format.
In accordance with current PhD regulations, the positive evaluation during the review is an essential requirement for continuing on the programme and registering for the following year. Failure to present an annual review with no justification will lead to the PhD candidates definitive withdrawal from the programme. If the annual review is negative the candidate may re-register for the same review within the registration calendar, make a new research plan and present for a new review in a maximum period of six months. However, if the new review is negative the candidate must withdraw from the PhD programme.
Documents for the annual review
Thesis deposit
Online Deposit
In this section you will find the indications and the specific documentation of the programme, if applicable, that you must incorporate in your online deposit application. Check in advance what is the procedure to make the deposit online.
Once your application has been recorded and validated by the coordination of the PhD programme, you will be able to monitorise the deposited theses and the theses for which the examining board has been approved, as well as the agenda where the theses defenses are published.
If you want to deposit the doctoral thesis in this PhD programme, remember that you must confirm the complete application (status DI) 2 months before the maximum thesis completion date that appears in your file.
Look out! students who wish to submit their thesis within the 2024/2025 academic year to avoid paying a new enrollment fee must submit and record their deposit request online no later than July 18, 2025. The thesis will be in DI status. The CAPD may decide to set an earlier deadline, but not a later one.
At the time of making your online deposit, you must attach these documents to your application, in the section "Attach documentation":
All PhD students
- External expert 1: Suitability Document (thesis data tab)
- External expert 2: Suitability Document (thesis data tab)
- 01 - Examining board proposal (the signature is not necessary)
- 44 - Turnitin Report
- 45 - Affidavit
International Doctoral Research Component: Mandatory documentation if requested
- 09 - International Doctoral Research Component: 1 report of the external member
- 10 - International Doctoral Research Component: 2 report of the external member
Compendium of publications: Mandatory documentation if requested
- 08 - Compendium: Resolution of acceptance by the CAPD
Writing a thesis in a language other than Catalan, Spanish and English: Mandatory documentation if requested
- 11 - Resolution if the thesis is written in other language than Catalan, Spanish or English
Information related to the thesis
Information related to the thesis
In this section you can find indications and / or regulatory aspects of your PhD programme, if applicable.
There are PhD programmes that have regulated the presentation of the thesis as a compendium of publications, how the constitution of the examining board should be, etc.
Internal Quality Assurance System of the centers
Internal Quality Assurance System of the centers
The process-based management system used by the UAB faculties and schools stems from a commitment to offering degrees with their own policy on quality and measures in place to evaluate and improve performance continuously, according to the European quality standards. These elements together make up this university's Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ).
This system involves all the following:
- Establishing and monitoring the faculty's policy and objectives regarding teaching standards, in accordance with the university’s strategic lines
- Establishing and renewing the offer of PhD programmes.
- Processes directly linked to teaching activity: tutoring, assessment, mobility, etc.
- Processes to gauge the level of satisfaction of the different groups.
- Processes linked to the people and resources needed: lecturers, administrative and service staff (PAS), infrastructure and services, course scheduling, academic organisation, etc.
- Processes linked to the life cycles of degrees: verification (evaluation before implementation), regular monitoring, modification (continuous improvement) and accreditation (evaluation of performance and renewal of the authorisation to continue offering the programme), which seek to organise, renew and improve the offer of PhD programmes.
Evaluation process previous to the implementation of the degree: presentation of a proposal for a new PhD programme for AQU-Catalunya (Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia) to issue the binding evaluation for the Council of Universities (Ministry of Universities), which is the responsible agent for verification.
- Report on the PhD programme
- Resolution on verification by the Spanish Universities Council
- Registry of Universities, Centres and Degrees (RUCT)
Periodic monitoring process of the development and results of the PhD programme: self-evaluation carried out, every 3 years, by themselves.
Modification (from the las accreditation of the programme)
Process of substantial modification of the PhD programme for its improvement.
2025-2026 - Modification proposal (pending approval by AQU) [document in Catalan]
Degree implementation renewal process: presentation, every 6 years from the implementation of the programme, of a self-report so that AQU-Catalunya issues the binding evaluation for the Council of Universities, which is the body responsible for accreditation.
- Accreditation self-report
- Accreditation report
- Resolution of accreditation of the Council of Universities
- Register of Universities, centers and degrees (RUCT)
Internal Quality Assurance System of the faculty
Set of processes to manage and monitor the different aspects of degrees, with the strategic objective of ensuring continuous improvement
Opina UAB
A channel for suggestions, complaints and praise regarding the functioning of the UAB
PhD data
- Satisfaction surveys of Doctors
- Satisfaction surveys of thesis supervisors
- Check here the results of the doctor's job placement survey
- The PhD figures
Recognition and awards
Special Prize Awards
The Special Prize Awards are awarded for each PhD programme among all the theses defended in an academic year, at the rate of one prize for every five theses or fraction thereof, without the need for the doctor to request it. The winners are entitled to a refund of the fee they paid for the application for the degree certificate and to an accrediting certificate..
The procedure is as follows:
- A pannel appointed by the Academic Commission of each PhD programme makes the proposal of candidates for the Special Prize Award, following the criteria previously established by the same commission. You can do it up to three courses after the defenses.
- The PhD Commission awards the prizes according to the proposals made by the PhD programmes.
- The Doctoral School contacts the winners to refund the fee.
- The certificates of the Special Prizes awarded in the previous PhD Commission are delivered in the PhD special prize award ceremony.
Check the prizes that have already awarded by the PhD Comission, ordered by defense course.
In this link you will find the doctors who have obtained the Special Prize Award in this PhD programme.
You can also consult this document.