Discount for open access publishing
In this section you can see the discounts in APC's charges that UAB researchers are entitled to when they publish their articles in open access.

This supplier provides a 10% discount to UAB researchers to publish in their Gold journals. Once you have passed the peer review, the publisher will ask you if you want to request this discount.
(Until 2024. Pending renewal of the agreement)

This supplier allows all UAB members to reduce by 10% the cost of publishing in any of this publishers’ journals with the condition that the billing is in the name of the UAB. The publisher will confirm with the UAB your affiliation in order to get this discount. Later on, the university will contact you to manage the payment.
More information.

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
UAB affiliation with the Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) allows University research staff to reduce by 10% the cost of publishing in any of the scientific journals or publishing open access books of the publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
This discount is focused to all UAB affiliated authors.
Please remember that discounts are not cumulative. If an author can opt for different types of MDPI discounts because in addition to belonging to the UAB also belongs to the editorial committee of an MDPI publication, or he is also a reviewer of one ot the publisher's publications, etc. the author will have to decide whether to accept the institutional discount or one of the other discounts.
MDPI offers, also, a 15% discount to UAB authors in the Language Editing Service that can be used to revise manuscripts prior to submission or during the peer review process in response to reviewer comments.
UAB authors need to submit the article from his UAB e-mail so that they are automatically identified as a members of the university and can get the discount of this service.

Sage Journals
This supplier provides a 15% discount to UAB researchers for publishing in their Open Access journals.
You can check out these titles on the tab “Gold OA Journals (15% discount)” in the Sage List of Journals.

When all the APCs available via the transformative agreement have run out, UAB researchers have several discounts to publish open access articles in the ACS hybrid journals.
Discounts depend on the ACS membership of authors and/or institution.

The UAB, through the CSUC, cooperates with the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3). This means that UAB researchers who publish in any of the journals that take part in this project will be able to enjoy several benefits.

This publisher provides a 20% discount to UAB researchers to publish in their Gold journals.
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