Transformative agreements
In the Frequently Asked Questions below you will find all the information regarding the agreements with several publishers.
Transformative agreements
For the author of the article, it means being able to choose between publishing free of charge or getting lower APC fees.
Article Processing Charges (APC) are the fees a publisher charges to authors to publish in open access journals (golden journals) or in subscription journals that allow their article to be published open access. (hybrid journals).
You can check the conditions and the list of journals included in the agreements signed with the following publishers:
- ACM Digital Library
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- American Society for Microbiology
- Cambridge University Press
- Cogitatio Press
- De Gruyter
- Elsevier (Until 2024. Pending renewal of the agreement)
- Emerald
- IEEE Xplore
- John Benjamins
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
- SpringerNature
- Wiley
Currently the UAB does not have any transformative agreement to publish open access books or book chapters. You can check the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) to find trustworthy open access publishers.
The PDI group must comply the following criteria:
- Corresponding authors of the article
- Make use of the UAB e-mail in the publication
- First UAB affiliation
- Scientific production in EGRETA, with public visibility
- ORCID code reported in EGRETA, with public visibility
- Scientific production in DDD
PhD students group must comply the following criteria:
- First author
- Corresponding author of the article
- Make use of the UAB e-mail in the publication
- First UAB affiliation
PhD students with a non UAB thesis director will receive, as a maximum, two APC along their PhD.
Other active members of the university community:
- Corresponding authors of the article
- Make use of the UAB e-mail in the publication
- First UAB affiliation
In all groups the requests will be assigned by order of arrival while vouchers last.
If the applicants comply with these criteria, they will be sent an email reporting the commitments linked to be able to have the APC free of charge and will have to answer by accepting the conditions.
- The research data associated with the article will be published in the repository CORA RDR. To do that, contact your library via Pregunt@
The Library Service will deposit the article in the Dipòsit Digital de Documents.
No. You can see the journals included:
- ACM Digital Library
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- American Society for Microbiology
- Cambridge University Press
- De Gruyter
- Cogitatio Press
- Elsevier (Until 2024. Pending renewal of the agreement)
- Emerald
- IEEE Xplore
- John Benjamins
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
- SpringerNature
- Wiley
The PDI group, the PhD students and other active members of the university community who wish to publish in any of the eligible journals included in these agreements, and who fulfil the criteria approved by the Comissió de Recerca, Transferència i Innovació, may apply for a free APC through the authors’ platform of every publisher. Depending on the number of requests received, additional criteria may be established to be eligible for the APCs.
Usually, after the peer review process, the publisher will inform you that your institution can offer you free APC and you can get it from the same publisher platform. You will be notified later if your request has been accepted or denied.
It is the correspondent who has to apply for free APC and the request will go to the university where the author is affiliated.
If the applicant (correspondent) is affiliated with two different universities that have signed the agreement, he will have to choose through the publisher's platform to send his application to one of the institutions.
Additional information