A variety of sources to look for information about companies:
The subject headings in the UAB Libraries catalogue are in Catalan. You can search Empreses - Catalunya - Directoris i Empreses - Espanya - Directoris. In both cases there is the subdivision Bases de dades:Empreses-Catalunya-Directoris-Bases de dades, Empreses-Espanya-Directoris-Bases de dades.
You can also do a search by keyword with the terms empreses and directoris.
If you are interested in the sphere of communication, you can search Empreses periodístiques, Mitjans de comunicació de massa - Propietat, Televisió - Propietat, Monopolis de mitjans de comunicació de massa, Agències de publicitat - Espanya - Directoris, Indústria cinematogràfica, Indústria de la televisió, Vídeo - Indústria i comerç. You can also do a search by keyword publicitat directoris, màrqueting directoris, indústria directoris cinema, indústria directoris televisió, etc.
Information on companies in general can be found in the Social Sciences Library or the Sabadell University Library, both of which specialise in economics. Directories of companies within the field of communication are located in the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives, under different call numbers. Please consult the catalogue or seek assistance at the information desks.
Explore the Economics databases
National scope (Spain)
- SABI (Sistema de Balances Ibéricos). Provides comprehensive financial and accounting data for Spanish companies, including full account deposit reports. This robust financial analysis tool allows users to generate customised reports, charts, and company comparisons. A detailed guide is available.
- Directorio Axesor. A directory of Spanish companies, organised by industry and province, offering easy access to company information.
- Agenda de la Comunicación. A directory featuring organisations, media outlets, and companies within the communications sector.
International scope
- Factiva. A leading economics database. In the "Company" section, users can search for detailed information on individual companies. The "Industry" section provides sector-specific data (e.g. Media, Entertainment, or Business Services), including key metrics and leading companies within each sector.
- Europages. A European platform listing over 3 million companies. It offers a wide range of search filters, including industry sectors (e.g. Marketing, Advertising, Media), geographic location, and more. Available in multiple languages.
Major media companies
- Guía de medios digital. Directory of Spanish media containing information on groups, media and professionals. It offers contact data, contracting conditions, content, audience index and OJD control.
- Media cross-ownership in the United States. From Wikipedia
- Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya. Published by Incom-UAB; includes a chapter dedicated to communication companies.
Look up the Communication databases : audiovisual industry
- Catalan Films & TV. Webpage with databases of productions, coproductions and audiovisual companies.
- Catalunya / Barcelona Film Comission. Of the Generalitat and the Barcelona City council . It has a directory of companies and professionals from the Catalan audiovisual sector.
- KFTV. International directory of audiovisual production services. It allows the search by country, product or company. From each company it gives contact information, staff, presentation and in some cases a gallery of works.
- European Audiovisual Observatory. Public organization that provides a comparative European overview of the audiovisual industry in different European countries as well as detailed analysis of national and even regional industries. The database MAVISE is a television channels and corporations directory.
- Cineuropa. One of its sections is Industry that includes several databases: producers, distributors, etc.
- Visualnet. Directory of all types of companies in the audiovisual and advertising sectors. International coverage although focused in the USA.
Advertising and PR
- AdForum. International ads database. It also includes directories of agencies, producers, marketing services, etc.
- Guía de medios digital. Directory of Spanish media containing information on groups, media and professionals. It includes communication and advertising agencies.
- Visualnet. Directory of all types of companies in the audiovisual and advertising sectors. International coverage although focused in the USA.
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