Digital library on Economics
Access to essential electronic resources, including e-books, digital journals, and databases, in the fields of Economics, Business, Statistics, Tourism, and Hospitality Management.
ABI/INFORM Complete. Provides full-text articles on economics, accounting, human resources, companies, finance, marketing, and more. Also includes theses dating back to 1962, working papers, annual reports of major companies, and a wide range of miscellaneous reports.
EconLit. Magazine articles, working papers, collective works and theses in economics.
Factiva. Offers news and business information, including stock quotes, company financial statements, and news updates. Includes numerous full-text sources such as newspapers, trade magazines, reports, and photographs.
Leisure and Tourism. Covers topics related to tourism, leisure, accommodation, and associated subjects such as sport and culture. Includes content dating back to 1970, updated weekly.
OECD iLibrary. A portal providing access to electronic publications and databases from the OECD. Content published before the end of 2011 is accessible free of charge. Additionally, the UAB subscribes to the World Energy Statistics and Balances database, offering access to all monographs and periodicals published since 2015.
ProQuest Central. A multidisciplinary full-text database that includes several economics and business resources, such as Hoover's Company Profiles, Accounting and Tax Database, Banking Information Source, and European Business.
SABI. Provides financial and accounting information on Spanish companies, including complete reports of filed accounts. Features a robust financial analysis tool that enables the creation of reports, graphs, and comparisons between companies and corporate groups.
Thomson Reuters Datastream and Eikon. Datastream offers historical financial statistical data, while Eikon provides real-time financial indicators and economic news. Both require installation of specific software and a password for access.
Tourism Statistics. Tourist indicators compiled by the WTO (World Tourism Organisation) since 1995.
IFRS. The IASB portal, the organisation responsible for the development of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
European Commission website on International Accounting Standards. Available in German, English, and French.
ACCID. The Catalan Association of Accounting and Management.
Eurostat Statistics. Official statistics from EU countries, organised by topic.
IMF eLibrary Data. Statistics from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Key datasets include International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOP), Government Finance Statistics (GFS), and Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS).
National Institute of Statistics (INE). Official statistics from Spain, covering all thematic areas.
Catalan Statistics Institute (Idescat). Official statistics from Catalonia, encompassing all thematic areas.
Institute of Tourism Studies. Tourism indicators derived from surveys conducted by the Institute of Tourism Studies, an official Spanish body under the relevant Ministry.
Observatory of Labour and Production Model: Tourism. Statistical information specifically related to tourism.
Statista. An international portal providing statistics on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,000 sources. Includes statistical dossiers, sector reports, market studies, forecasts, country reports, company rankings, and consumer surveys.
UNdata. Global indicators across various thematic areas compiled by the United Nations.
World dataBank. Indicators across all thematic areas and countries worldwide, with data dating back to 1960, compiled or produced by the World Bank.
You can access a list of print and digital Economics dictionaries through the UAB Search Engine.
Important both for its content and the added services it offers, such as bibliometrics, and the identification of authors and affiliations. It is the world's largest database of peer-reviewed abstracts and citations, updated daily. It includes information in 40 languages, with significant non-Anglo-Saxon coverage (6,900 European journals, with over 50% of titles from Europe, South America, and the Asia-Pacific region).
Web of Science (WoS)
A predominantly Anglo-Saxon portal from the company Clarivate Analytics, which provides access to a range of bibliographic and bibliometric databases of a multidisciplinary nature. It allows thematic searches as well as searches by cited work and/or author, and enables the consultation of bibliometric indicators (citation counts, H-index, journal impact factors, etc.).
Regional Scope
A portal for the CSIC databases, this multidisciplinary bibliographic resource primarily collects and disseminates research articles published in Spanish scientific journals. It replaces the previous "CSIC Databases: ICYT, IME, ISOC."
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