UAB Climate Policy

Commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2030

On 24 April 2024, the Governing Council of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona approved the University's Climate Policy Programme, a strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change with specific medium-term objectives and commitments.

The objectives of the UAB Climate Policy are:

  • reduce the consumption of resources,
  • achieve climate neutrality in 2030 for the activity of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
  • offset those GHG emissions that cannot be reduced,
  • and to advance in the reduction of Scope 3 emissions.

The measures approved include reducing water and energy consumption, gradually reducing the University's direct GHG emissions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, gradually abandoning the use of fossil fuels with total substitution by renewable energies by 2030, incorporating the calculation of the carbon footprint in new construction, joining internationally recognised sustainability platforms and networks, adding the criterion of low-carbon public procurement in contracting processes and incorporating content on ecological transition, sustainability and climate change in the training offer, among others.

The UAB will also transfer these commitments to the entities in which it participates, either directly or through its boards of trustees. In this way, the objectives and commitments of the UAB Climate Policy will contribute to territorial, national and global objectives, and will serve as a guide for the new professionals trained, as well as for the organisations, companies, entities and administrations that participate in the research and innovation of the University.

Consult the full document (in Catalan): UAB Climate Policy and its commitments