BA class times and rooms
Before registering check for any last minute changes to class days/times.
Please note that you can only register for classes which appear in the published class schedules given below. Subjects which are not listed but do appear in the online registration application are only for students studying abroad this academic year, and who will be taking them at the host university.
Horaris graus primer i segon semestre
- Bachelor's Degree in East Asian Studies - Timetables 2024-2025 (Act. 20/11/2024)
- Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting. Timetables 2024-2025 (Act. 21/11/2024)
- GBachelor's Degree in Spanish and Chinese Studies: Language, Literature and Culture. Timetables 2024-2025 (Act. 20/11/2024)
Calendari de recuperacions primer semestre
- Calendari Recuperacions Grau en Estudis d'Àsia Oriental - Horaris 2024-2025 (Act. 24/10/2024)
- Calendari Recuperacions Grau enTraducció i Interpretació. Horaris 2024-2025 (Act. 24/10/2024)
- Calendari Recuperacions Grau en Estudis d'Espanyol i Xinès: Llengua, Literatura i Cultura. Horaris 2024-2025 (Act. 24/10/2024)
Calendari d'avaluació de l'Avaluació Única 2on semestre