European Degree Supplement

European Diploma Supplement

The European Diploma Supplement (EDS) is a supplement to the official degree certificate and contains information about the studies you have pursued. It is a standardised document, with all the information about your degree: content, competences, grades, external work placements, etc. The EDS ensures that all the grades received during your degree will be equally valid in any other EHEA country.
The EDS must include the following information:

  • The student's details
  • Information about the qualification: level, content and outcomes
  • Certification of the supplement
  • Information about the national higher education system
  • Additional information

The EDS increases the transparency of the various higher education qualifications, allowing them to be recognised at any other EHEA university and helping to avoid incorrect judgments. It thus provides a guarantee that the qualification obtained is valid across the EHEA, which helps to achieve one of the latter's aims: the full employability of European citizens.

The EDS is included in the fees that students pay to obtain their official degree certificate.