Online procedures


Enrolment modification

This form is active in two periods:

  • From September 16th  to October 28th, 2024
  • From February 3th to 24th, 2025(*)

Process to request the modification and/or cancellation of credits or change of group.

(*) During the second period, you will only be able to request changes in second term subjects.

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Bachelor's Degree enrolment and Official Master's Degree cancellation

Period: Until 04.11.2024
For duly justified exceptional cases of exceptional gravity, the student may request the enrollment cancellation within the period established in the academic calendar. 

Process to request the cancellation of enrolment for Bachelor's Degree and Official Master’s Degree:

Bachelor Degree Process

Tourism and Hotel Management

Prevention and Integral Safety and Security

Official Master's Degree Process

Resolutions will be signed and sent in electronic format. Exceptionally, if required in paper format, they must be noted in observations.

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Enrolment cancellation for Continuous Training:

Process to request the cancellation of enrolment for Continuous Training:

Cancelling enrolment Master's degrees and Graduate diplomas

Cancelling enrolment Specialization courses

Resolutions will be signed and sent in electronic format. Exceptionally, if required in paper format, they must be noted in observations.

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