Minor in Human Evolution and Paleontology

Study plan

You must take 30 ECTS credits. 

Subject ECTS credits Period Semester
Human Biology 6 Six-monthly 1st
Human Origins 3 Six-monthly 1st
Forensic Anthropology 3 Six-monthly 2nd
Primatology 3 Six-monthly 1st
Evolution 6 Six-monthly 2nd
Physical Environment 6 Six-monthly 2nd
Palaeontology I 6 Six-monthly 1st
Sedimentology 6 Six-monthly 2nd
Stratigraphy 6 Six-monthly 1st
Life on Earth 6 Six-monthly 1st
Methods and techniques in Historical Archaeology 6 Six-monthly 2nd
Archaeology of Hunting-Gathering Societies 6 Six-monthly 2nd
Prehistory of Catalonia 6 Six-monthly 1st
Bioarchaeology 6 Six-monthly 1st
Faculty of Biosciences
Twenty places are offered each year.
Academic coordination
Assumpció Malgosa Morera
Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology