Credits allocated in recognition of extra-curricular activities

How it works

The UAB offers you the opportunity to obtain recognition of academic credits from degree programmes by undertaking activities that are not part of the curriculum, these can include activities that are cultural, sports-related, that involve student representation, charity/solidarity, cooperation, are related to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, or to promote sustainability.     

These credits will be added to your academic record as optative credits, with a qualification of a pass but will not be taken into account when calculating grade averages on your academic record.

If you choose this option, you must obtain recognition for a minimum of 6 credits, which can be the result of adding together different activities, and you can acquire recognition for a maximum of 10% of the credits in your degree programme.

If you would like to know which activities you can receive recognition for this year, please check the full list of activities with academic credit recognition.

You can consult all the recognised activities in any academic year if you click on "Search for activities".


  • Participation that promotes the growth and consolidation of university associations 
  • Peer mentoring activities
  • Activities to facilitate the transition between secondary education and university
  • Creativity and artistic or cultural development  
  • Volunteering on campus or in outside institutions that provide support to groups at risk of exclusion (VOLUNTEERING AND SOCIAL ACTION)

You can find information about activities related to student participation on the Community Engagement, Cultura en Viu and the Fundació Autònoma Solidària webpages.


  • Activities that promote student empowerment and the eradication of gender-based violence
  • Activities to correct gender-based inequalities
  • Reduction of the gender wage gap
  • Reduction of inequalities due to disabilities, diversity or specific needs

You can find information about the activities on the Observatory for Equality webpage.

  • Generation of ideas related to ending poverty, fair trade, food sustainability, reducing pollution, energy sufficiency and efficiency, etc.
  • Activities that promote the development of digital skills to seek solutions for society 5.0.


  • Promotion of the development of digital competences to find solutions in Society 5.0
  • Promotion of Catalan and interculturality
  • Promotion of the use of Catalan: mentorship, public speaking, and written communication
  • Promotion of intercultural relations (justice and peace, international institutions, language exchanges, contact with different cultures)

You can find information about Catalan language activities and the promotion of interculturality  on the Language Service website.  

  • Promotion of good health, healthy habits and healthy eating
  • Activities that promote emotional wellbeing  

You can find information about these activities on the website of the Physical Activity Service website.

  • Development of business idees based on alternative economic models and social and charity entrepreneurship
  • Exploring the needs and perspectives of businesses and social entities
  • Professional mentoring

You can find Information about the activities on the Employability Service website.