Deduccions matrícula de màster

If you have applied for a Ministry of Education general grant, you will not have to pay, provisionally, your first-enrolment fee, as long as you fulfil the academic requirements established in the grant call.

You will need to pay the amount corresponding to the administrative handling fee, specific services, educational insurance, the complimentary insurance and other  extra-curricular academic services  you may sign up for.

If you are not awarded the grant, you will need to pay the registration fee even if you appeal this decision.

If you have are eligible for other reductions, you will need to present the accrediting documentation while you are making your enrolment.

If you are a beneficiary of the minimum vital income benefit and you have this condition recognized, you will be exempt from paying public prices for university academic services.

To enjoy this gratuity, before enrolling, contact the academic management of your faculty / school.

You will pay 20% of the credit price when you get your previous credits recognised in your official studies. 

You will not have to pay the established recognition fees if you:

  1. Need to enrol in identical subjects with an interdisciplinary agreement.
  2. Change your studies between language combined qualifications taught at the Faculty of Philosofy and Arts for any of the two combined studies.
  3. Change your studies between UPF-UAB Medicine degree and UAB Medicine degree.
  4. Change your studies centre to keep studying the same qualification in another UAB faculty, school or affiliated centre.
  5. Change your studies between the Animal Health and Science studies at the UdL and Veterinary Medicine at UAB.
  6. Need to enrol in common subjects of degree qualifications at UAB with the same name, same number of credits and the same enrolment code, as long as your previous studies are not finished.
  7. Credit recognition for studies with a foreign diploma as long as there is reciprocity in the exemption.
  8. Credit recognition for PPCEL for UAB students.

Members of a Category One Large Family/General
You are eligible for a 50% deduction on the subjects you register for (both for first-time and successive registrations), on registration fees for recognised subjects and also on administrative fees pertaining to academic records.

Members of a Category Two or ‘Honour’ Large Family/Special
You are eligible for a 100% deduction in the subjects you enrol for on the subjects you register for (both for first-time and successive registrations), on registration fees for recognised subjects and also on administrative fees pertaining to academic records.

Members of a Large family of Foreign Nationality

You are eligible for the corresponding deduction if you have obtained the relevant certificate from the Department of Social Welfare and Family (Generalitat de Catalunya).

These concessionary fees apply to officially recognised studies only; they do not apply to university-specific studies.

If you wish to benefit from the concessionary fees but the Academic Management Office does not yet have the details of your currently valid family concession card (for example, in the case of students from outside Catalonia or those who did use the discount to enrol for the PAU tests), you must scan and send this documentation to your Academic Management Office via the documentation form so that the office can apply the corresponding discount to the registration fee. You must then present the original documentation or send in a certified copy by post. If you have not done so before 05 November, the concessionary benefits will be cancelled and the outstanding part of the applicable fees will then be charged.

If your family concession card has been issued in Catalonia, you can also choose to authorise the UAB in writing to interoperate with the Generalitat de Catalunya and obtain this data directly.

The family concession card must be valid at the time of registration or within ten days subsequent to this. If you are in the process of applying for the card, you can present the corresponding receipt. At all events you will have to submit the definitive documentation at a later stage.

If you have paid the enrolment fee without the large family discount, but you have the accrediting documentation valid on the date of enrolment, you can request a refund of the amount paid until 31 December.

If you have an individual certificate, this must be accompanied by the family certificate or a certificate issued by the Department of Social Welfare and Family that includes full details of the family concession card. If you have an individual certificate that details the category of family concession and number of children, it is not necessary to provide any other document.

More information:

You are eligible for cost-free academic and administrative services, both for first-time and repeated credits. You are responsible for paying student insurance, fees for specific services and learning-support services, and—if applicable—the complementary insurance and extra-academic university services that you request.

This concessionary tuition is accredited through a certificate issued or validated by the Catalan Institute of Healthcare and Social Services or the equivalent body in other autonomous communities in Spain that accredit such circumstances. Accreditations through any of the following documents is acceptable:

  • Favourable ruling or certificate issued by IMSERSO or a competent body in the corresponding autonomous community.
  • Favourable ruling issued by the INSS recognising the status of welfare beneficiary on the basis of total permanent disability, absolute disability or severe disability.
  • Favourable ruling issued by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance or the Ministry of Defence recognising a retirement pension on the basis of permanent incapacity for service or incapacity.

If you wish to take advantage of this concessionary fee, you must scan and send this documentation to your Academic Management Office via the documentation form so that the office can apply the corresponding discount to the registration fee. You must then present the original documentation or send in a certified copy by post. If you have not done so before 05 November, the concessionary benefits will be cancelled and the outstanding part of the applicable fees will then be charged.

This concession applies to officially recognised studies only; it do not apply to university-specific studies.

If you get a distinction mark in a subject, you will be able to enrol in the same number of credits for free. Your reduction cannot exceed the number of credits you have enroled or the total amount of your enrolment fee.

If you have gotten your distinction at the UAB studies you are currently enrolled, you will automatically get your discount, if you have got it in other studies in the UAB or an affiliated school, you will need to pay in advance and apply for a refund. You will get the discount even if you have gotten your distinction in different studies from the ones you are enrolling.

You will only get this discount on credits enroled for the first time, and as long as you enrol on the next year term. Exceptionally, if you have your distinction but you cannot enrol enough credits in your first registration, in the next or a following enrolment, you will get the discount as if it was a first time registration. If will be applied also in university studies as long as UAB acts a coordinator or participant in those studies.

Students who have won a special award for degree studies at the UAB are eligible for up to 30 academic credits free of charge when registering on an official UAB master’s degree, deducted from the applicable overall fees for that degree. This deduction will be applied at the student’s request and separately from the registration process.

The deduction must be requested within a maximum of four academic years from when the special award was made.

Victims of an act of terrorism, as well as their spouses and children, are eligible for cost-free academic and administrative services, both for first-time and repeated credits. They are responsible for paying student insurance, fees for specific services and learning-support services, and—if applicable—the complementary insurance and extra-academic university services that they request.

This concessionary tuition requires the presentation of a favourable administrative ruling that accredits such circumstances. If this has not previously been sent, you must present the relevant original documentation or send in a certified copy by post. If you have not done so before 05 November, the concessionary benefits will be cancelled and the outstanding part of the applicable fees will then be charged.

This free admission applies to officially recognised studies and not to university-specific studies.

Victims of gender violence, as well as their dependent children, are eligible for cost-free academic and administrative services, both for first-time and repeated credits. They are responsible for paying student insurance, fees for specific services and learning-support services, and—if applicable—the complementary insurance and extra-academic university services that they request.

In order to accredit eligibility for this concessionary fee, you must scan and send this documentation to your Academic Management Office via the documentation form so that the office can apply the corresponding discount to the registration fee. You must then present the original documentation or send in a certified copy by post. If you have not done so before 05 November, the concessionary benefits will be cancelled and the outstanding part of the applicable fees will then be charged.

You must provide one of the following documents, in addition to the Family Book (official family register) in the case of dependent children up to 21 years of age, or the family unit’s certificate of cohabitation in the case of children over 21 years of age:

  1. Sentence of conviction for a crime of male violence within the intimate partnership.
  2. Order of protection or any other judicial resolution that establishes a precautionary measure in favour of the victim.
  3. Report from the Public Prosecutor's Office indicating that the applicant is being attended to as a victim of gender violence within the context of the intimate partnership.
  4. Report or certificate accrediting that the applicant is being attended to as a victim of gender violence within the context of the intimate partnership, issued by one of the following services:
    • Social Services
    • Unit for Actions to Combat Domestic and Gender Violence, Directorate General for Families of the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
    • Specialised Intervention Services (SIE)
    • Services for Information and Attention to Women (SIAD)
    • Office for the Attention to Victims of Crime (OVC)
    • Public shelter resource
    • Entity subsidised by a specific Public Administration for the care of female victims of male violence within the intimate partnership.
    • Report from the Work and Social Security Inspectorate

Documents establishing status as victim of domestic violence have the following validity:

  1. In the case of a conviction for a crime of male violence within the intimate partnership:
    • If the conviction is less than 2 years, the said status is maintained for 2 years.
    • If the conviction is between 2 and 4 years, the said status is maintained for 4 years.
    • If the conviction is more than 4 years, the said status is maintained for the duration of the sentence.
  2. In the case of a protection order, precautionary measure or report from the Public Prosecutor's Office, the said status is maintained for a minimum of one year, or the duration of the precautionary measures, if longer.
  3. The certificate or report from victim services is valid throughout the calendar year of issue.

The Decree on Prices contemplates a specific exemption from the fee fixed in the decree in certain cases of gender violence outside the intimate partner environment.

To obtain this exemption you need to apply for accreditation from the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). You can do this on the AGAUR website.

Details of the application procedure for accreditation fore exemption are given below:

  1. Make an application to the Women’s Information and Assistance Services (SIAD) or the Specialised Intervention Services in Gender Violence (SIE) of the Department for Equality and Feminisms for the “Certificate of Accreditation of situations of Gender Violence for the Purpose of Processing an Exemption from University Fees“. This is the only certificate admissible to apply for AGAUR accreditation.
  2. Apply for accreditation using the AGAUR application form, attaching the certificate issued by the Department for Equality and Feminisms.


  1. Once the validity of the attached certificate has been validated, AGAUR will issue the accreditation, which must be submitted to your faculty or centre.

Accreditation is only valid for one academic year.

Requirement for obtaining accreditation

To obtain accreditation you must be a victim of gender violence outside the intimate partner environment for one of the following reasons:

  • Violence in the family environment in the form of forced marriage, contemplated in Article 5, Section 2 of Law 5/2008 of 24 April on the rights of women to eradicate gender violence.
  • Violence in the social or community environment, contemplated in Article 5, Section 4 of Law 5/2008 of 24 April, in any of the following ways:
  1. Sexual aggression: the use of physical and sexual violence against women determined by the premeditated use of sex as a weapon to demonstrate and abuse power.
  2. Trafficking of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation and other ends related to gender.
  3. Female genital mutilation or the risk thereof, including any procedure involving the total or partial elimination of the female genitalia or injury thereof, even with the express or tacit permission of the woman.

This exemption is applied only to official courses of study and not university-specific courses.

You can find more information on the website of the Government of Catalonia (in Catalan).