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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA‑UAB)

Xavier Gabarrell awarded a "Proof of Concept" grant for R&D&i projects

19 Jan 2022
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ICTA-UAB researcher Xavier Gabarrell is one of the researchers awarded by the Ministry of Science and Education in its 2021 call for "Proofs of Concept" grants. The Ministry has awarded 13 grants to UAB researchers to aid its researchers in working on the development, transfer and use of the results yielded by their research projects.


Xavier Gabarrell, researcher of the Sostenipra group and director of ICTA-UAB, has been recognised for his project "SIRAH: promoting access to urban fertilecity agriculture in the city". 

The news call for “Proof of Concept” R&D&i projects have the objective of fostering and accelerating the transfer and knowledge of research results generated by those projects included in the State Research Plan, through the R&D&i projects under the categories «Excellence», «Generation of Knowledge», and «Research Challenge», or through guided fundamental research projects. The total budget for this call is 40 million euros, which comes from the Next Generation EU fund, and economic recovery package to help countries after the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The UAB researchers and research projects, which have been awarded grants, are: 

– Jordi Sort (Department of Physics): “Dispositiu de memòria magneto-iònic amb funcionalitats neuromòrfiques: optimització del rendiment, comerciabilitat i desenvolupament empresarial”. 

– Ferran Martín (Department of Electronic Engineering): “Validació i valorització d’encoders electromagnètics d’alta capacitat i sensors de microones d’alta sensibilitat i baix cost per a transferència en múltiples escenaris”. 

– José A. López Salcedo (Department of Telecommunications and Systems Engineering): “Prova de concepte de posicionament precís i segur en entorns vehiculars basat en sistemes GNSS i 5g”. 

– Carme Nogués (Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology): “Optimització de protocols d’actuació neuromòrfica per a un dispositiu de memòria accionat magnetoiònicament”. 

– Marc Torrent (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology): “Disseny d’una nova classe d’antimicrobians contra infeccions causades per bacteris gram negatius”. 

– Maria Mar Puyol (Department of Chemistry): “Analitzador potenciomètric compacte com a instrument de diagnòstic (point-of care) per al monitoratge mèdic de malalties comunes i rares que causen hiperamonièmia”. 

– Carme Miralles (Department of Geography): “Territoris per a la mobilitat activa a Espanya. Desenvolupament de l’atles MOVACT 1.0”. 

– Salvador Ventura (Institut of Biotechnology and Biomedicine – IBB and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology): “Desenvolupament d’un estabilitzador cinètic de segona generació per a tractar l’amiloïdosi per transtiretina”. 

– Xavier Gabarrell (Institute for Environmental Science and Technology – ICTA and Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering): “SIRAH: promoting access to open urban agriculture from the fertilecity lab to the city”. 

– Carlos Saura (Institute of Neuroscience -INc and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology): “Biomarcadors per al diagnòstic precoç del declivi cognitiu en demència”. 

– Pepe Rodríguez (Institute of Neuroscience -INc and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology): “Validació d’un biomarcador en sang relacionat amb la disfunció sináptica per al diagnòstic primerenc de la malaltia d’Alzheimer”. 

– Rubén López (Institute of Neuroscience -INc and Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology): “Teràpia neuroresolutiva per a les lesions medul·lars agudes”. 

– Albert Quintana (Institue of Neuroscience – INc and Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology): “Desenvolupament de nous tractaments per a malalties mitocondrials primàries”. 

