Discussion Panel of the movie Picture a Scientist, at ICTA-UAB
As part of our Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence Programme, ICTA-UAB has organised a Discussion Panel of the movie Picture a Scientist, to be held on Wednesday 24th February, 12-13:30 hours.
In this documentary, a biologist, a chemist and a geologists talk about their experiences in the world of science - overcoming harassments, institutional discfimination and years of contempt - in order to revolutionise the scientific culture. The trailer of the film can be viewed here. The documentary has been screened in several universities and research centres around the world (Harvard, Max Planck Institute, NASA, etc.)
The panel will include some ICTA-UAB members from different age and gender profiles such as Mouna Chambon, Michael Grelaud, Filippos Exadaktylos, Isabelle Anguelovski, Laura Jiménez, Ashley Braunthal and Andre Colonese. They will be sharing their thoughts on this awarded-movie and steer an open debate with their audience.
You can follow the discussions panel here: https://zoom.us/j/91883390226?pwd=SlBXMnNKUS9ZbE5GcDhhcmY2NWJPdz09
The activity is part of the ongoing, long-term strategy of ICTA-UAB to build an Institute that is gender and power-aware and which has a strong commitment to gender equity, family consilience, and staff’s wellbeing.
The movie cannot be accessed freely on the internet, and we have planned a screening room, which will be open from Sunday 21st to Tuesday 23rd of February so that you can watch the movie anytime on those dates.