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Mobile genes are DNA sequences able to move and insert into the genome. They constitute more than 50% of the human genome and 28% of that of Drosophila (Fruit fly). They are an important source of mutations because they promote chromosomal arrangements and insert into genes and regulatory regions. This work is based in one of these transposable...

Fish in the Bellingshausen Sea

The Bellingshausen Sea is a remote part of the ocean surrounding the Antarctic, isolated, inhospitable and almost unexplored. A Hespérides expedition has managed to study the fauna which inhabit this region. Examples of 23 species of fish have been studied and at present we are in the process of...


The study of drug interactions is very important for the dessign of new therapeutic strategies. The combination of drugs can enhance their therapeutic action and/or minimize the adverse effects. The authors have established the interaction between a painkiller and two antiemetics widely used in the treatment of postoperative pain and nausea and...

Prognosis of survival of patients affected by melanoma malignant depends on the presence or absence of tumoral cells in sentinel lymph nodes. Scientists of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital have studied the effectiveness of the analysis techniques used s to detect them.

Melanoma Maligne

Islands are specially vulnerable spaces to the invasions of exotic plants. UAB researchers have validated this hypothesis in the case of the Oxalis pes-caprae plant species. They have studied its presence in the Balearic Islands. The results show that Oxalis reproduces much more in the islands than in other Spanish continental zones.

Vinagrella (Oxalis pes-caprae)

Rersearchers of the Organic Solid Residues Composting Group of the UAB Department of Chemical Engineering are studying how to control the temperature in the residues composting process, a biological technique that allows to treat the residues in an economic and sustainable way, and to recycle them. The results of this work show that deduction of...

A UAB researchers group has tried to know new data about Haemophilus parasius, a pig pathogenic bacterium that causes systematic disease. The study has confirmed that H. parasuis genetic variability. It could help to diagnosis. This epidemic causes important economic losses in pork sector.