• UABDivulga

Fishing lines kill sea turtles

Scientists from CRAM (the Foundation for the Conservation and Recovery of Marine Animals) and the Autonomous University of BArcelona have studied what happens when a loggerhead sea turtle swallows a fishhook. The researchers have reached revealing conclusions: contrary to what could be thought, the hook...

Esòfag d'una tortuga babaua amb un ham clavat

Diseases of the skin: the Deep Morphea

The skin acts like a protective barrier that isolates the organism from its surroundings, protecting it and contributing to maintain its structure complete, at the same time acting as a communication system with the environment. The skin, as any organ, also suffers from its own complex...

Lesions en la pell causades per la morfea profunda

Progress in gene therapy

A group of CTABEG researchers, directed by Dr Miguel Chillon, describe the development of a new method for producing last-generation adenoviruses (used as vectors in gene therapy) which significantly reduce the inconveniences that existed until now in clinical trials carried out with humans. This method...

Microfotografia de fluorescencia de la contaminació amb vectores Ad-Helper